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  1. S

    Which Plecs With Discus?

    I have a bristlenose in with my discus and have had no problems.
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    Will Keyholes Be Ok With Discus?

    Well it probably won't be fine if the high temps aren't good for it.
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    Will Keyholes Be Ok With Discus?

    I don't know how well the keyholes will handle the discus temps. Not sure but it might be a bit warm for them.
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    T-bar Cichlid

    I didn't really go too out of the way to get them to breed. They were actually temporarily in a tank with angels when it happened. They chose to spawn on some driftwood.
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    I know how you feel! I've had my share of cichlids doing things I'd rather they didn't! I've also recently had a bit of a traumatic fish experience, although it invovled my reef tank! It sprung a leak and lost a few inches of water onto my living room floor and through the basement ceiling...
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    T-bar Cichlid

    I had 3 t-bars a while back. Really awesome fish! Not nearly as aggressive as most of their cousins but sill decent parents. They are also fairly easy to sex. Females have yellow fins and males are more maroon. Very cool breeding colors as well. Here were mine: Male in breeding dress...
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    Albino Oscar Possibility

    I don't think it matters what forum you go on. Tank sizes for oscars always seems to be a hotly debated topic ;). I have had my oscar for 3 years now in a 70g with a green terrror. My oscar is healthy, as is the terror. If my oscar had grown to 15" maybe I would have problems, but personally...
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    My 10" Gt

    Wow, he's beautiful. I hope mine looks that good at that size!
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    Introducing Ernest - My Gt

    Beautiful! I love Green Terrors! Mine truly lives up to the name!
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    55g Wet Pet - Which Cichlid?

    I really like the escondido but have never had one. I have had several male GT's and as far as personality goes, they have always been right up there with my Oscar for that. And if you are looking for something with looks you certainly can't go wrong with a GT. A full grown male would be a...
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    90g Tank Help Stock [want Rams/community]

    Personally I think you'd be fine with that.
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    29g is fine for a pair of cons. I think the tiger barbs may be ok with them, but the guppies won't last long.
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    With most cichlids more floor space is better than more height. I'd go with the longer one.
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    Are Discus Easy To Breed?

    As far as expertise goes I believe most would classify them as expert, ecspecially for breeding. 1. What tank size for a pair? I guess bigger is always better but I've heard 20g being used. I think I would try to use a bit bigger just in case, maybe a 30 or 33 (I don't know what juwel sizes...
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    The one in the second pic looks like diadema to me. Not sure on the other 2 though. I used to have diadema and would love to find some more!
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    Formal Id For Me Please

    It looks like Thorichthys Aureum to me. Very nice fish, I used to have a group and would love to get my hands on them again. Definitely a Thorichthys!
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    Preparing Birth

    Most female convicts have an orange spot on the belly even if they are not gravid. Is her breeding tube down? Is she cleaning a site? Those would indicate she is ready to lay eggs. And don't be suprised if they eat them if it is their first time!
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    Preparing Birth

    How do you know she is pregnant (gravid)? Do you have a male? If she does lay eggs and they get fertilized you pretty much sit back and watch the parents do the work. Unless it is their first time, then they may eat the eggs/wigglers.
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    Will This Mix Work

    You can try it if you want. I've kept rams and I've kept red points, the rams aren't nearly as aggressive and the red points will have the size advantage. I'm sure as juvies it will be ok but as they grow into adults the rams won't stand a chance. They are just not as aggressive as the red...
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    Will This Mix Work

    The red points will kill the rams. They aren't quite as aggressive as convicts but pretty darn close. They would be ok in a CA community with other robust fish but the rams won't stand a chance, especially the balloon rams which stay fairly small. I had a lone male HRP and even without a...
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    Tank Size For Discus

    Bigger is always better but I think 55g is the minimum most people will tell you for Discus. I started with my Discus in a 55g and they did great.
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    Yes, I'm sure most people wouldn't have purchased that Discus due to that blotch, but I think it gives him/her character. None are mine are show fish, but I love them anyway. As for tank size, it is currently a 70g, but will be upgrading to a 90 in the future.
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    Convict Vs. Angel

    Why bother waiting until she lays eggs?
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    Yes, the one in the second pic is my favorite one. I think I will get a few of the turqs, just not sure if I should do 2 or 3?
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    I thought I'd post some pics of my discus and thank everyone who helped me out a year ago when I was just starting with these wonderfuls fish! What do you think? I'm pretty happy with them. I also have the opportunity to purchase some really nice red turqs from a local breeder and am...
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Are you serious? That tank is only 55g? It looks way bigger, you have done an awesome job! Where are you putting your other 4 Discus?
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    " The Diary Of A Mad Black Convict"

    Very nice male and female, although I wonder if your male has some honduran red point in him?
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Very nice fish and tank Angel! I love those Discus! Do you only have the 5 of them? What size tank is that? Anyone else with pics! I need some ideas :lol:
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Thanks guys. Does anyone here have full shots of their planted Discus tanks?
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Yeah, that's got me a little worried. I'm a bit paranoid about the clean. I'm actually re=thinking going totally planted. I may just wait until my other 70g opens up and try that as a planted angel tank. I'll have to do some thinking.
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Thanks for the info! I have a female BN who I've had for a long time and has always been well behaved so I think I will give her a shot with the Discus. As for them beating ont he newcomer, I know there is a risk and I plan to re-arrange the tank before doing it and watch closely, the group I...
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    I have modified my Aquaclear so it doesn't produce a lot of current. I'm just really trying to figure out what fish would work well for the algae. I already have a fair bit o fit growing on my anubias!
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    Awsome, thanks guys. An AC110 is an Aquaclear 110. And I do plant to QT any new arrivals for sure! As for the pleco, I wasn't 100% sure about it either. Although I've heard they do well with Discus. I just want something that will eat the algae. Any suggestions?
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    Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)

    I currently have a 70g tank with 5 Discus and 9 cardinal tetras in it. It is filtered by a rena xp3 and a #5 sponge filter. I usually do 2 %40 water changes a week. The discus are doing great. I'd like to turn this tank into a planted Discus tank. This is what I'd llike to do: Probably trade...
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    Changing Over To Sand In Oscar Tank

    Personally, with my oscar I'd never do sand again but I like the look of it with other fish.
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    Changing Over To Sand In Oscar Tank

    I like that sand for most tanks but I ended up taking it out of my oscar tank. He used to pick up mouthfuls of sand and spit them all over, not good for the filters. My oscar almost wrecked 2 filters that way. But if you put something over the intake of you filter it might work.
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    What Fish Is This?

    For sure not a severum. It is definitely a Thorichtys of some sort. Maybe aureus?
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    Discus Volume

    I believe the "rule" is 1 fish per 10g. Although I don't think this means you can stick 1 fish in a 10g.
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    Severum Vs Oscar

    I've had both as well. I prefer Oscars since i like the personality and I like the fact that they are fast growing.
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    Jumbo Black Bar Discus At Lfs For Only $49.99!

    1 Discus by itself is a bad idea. They are a schooling fish and are happier with their own kind. 1 by itself will be miserable. And yes, if you don't think the fish will survive in your tank, you shouldn't get it.