Discus Experts I Need Your Opinons! :)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2008
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I currently have a 70g tank with 5 Discus and 9 cardinal tetras in it. It is filtered by a rena xp3 and a #5 sponge filter. I usually do 2 %40 water changes a week. The discus are doing great.

I'd like to turn this tank into a planted Discus tank. This is what I'd llike to do:
Probably trade the sponge filter for an ac110. Add various plants (swords, vals - I already have some anubias and java fern)
6 Discus
20-25 cardinals
6 or so Sterbai cories
1 BN pleco.

What do you think? Could that work? Or would that be too many discus?

Thanks guys!
Seems fine to me. I keep discus but im sure not an expert on anything. I dont think this question requires one though. QT the new fish.
I currently have a 70g tank with 5 Discus and 9 cardinal tetras in it. It is filtered by a rena xp3 and a #5 sponge filter. I usually do 2 %40 water changes a week. The discus are doing great.

I'd like to turn this tank into a planted Discus tank. This is what I'd llike to do:
Probably trade the sponge filter for an ac110. Add various plants (swords, vals - I already have some anubias and java fern)
6 Discus
20-25 cardinals
6 or so Sterbai cories
1 BN pleco.

What do you think? Could that work? Or would that be too many discus?

Thanks guys!

Just a few things, not sure what an "ac" is though. By the looks of it you seem to be going after the right plants. Those should be fine in the higher temperatures, but just double check in the planted section of the forum if you are worried or have anymore questions about that.

Definitely not too many Discus. My only concern is with the Pleco. Although some people say you can keep BN in a Discus tank, they have still been known to suck the slime coat off the Discus (although probably less then some of the other types of Pleco.) You can try it but you will need to keep a close eye on the fish. I think this type of thing will vary from fish to fish.
Awsome, thanks guys.

An AC110 is an Aquaclear 110. And I do plant to QT any new arrivals for sure! As for the pleco, I wasn't 100% sure about it either. Although I've heard they do well with Discus. I just want something that will eat the algae. Any suggestions?
sounds fine to me, you could substitute the BN for a small group of ottos (not 100% sure how they do in warmer water though so research to back this up) or some amano shrimp. :good:
Ottos have been known to suck on flat fish in the same way plecos can. Shrimp may well end up as food depending on the size of the Discus.

Get some easy fast growing plants so you don't get an algae problem and need a fish to solve it. I've had BNs in with my Discus in the past and all seemed well but they do produce a whole lot of waste! Don't think I would do it again.
Awsome, thanks guys.

An AC110 is an Aquaclear 110. And I do plant to QT any new arrivals for sure! As for the pleco, I wasn't 100% sure about it either. Although I've heard they do well with Discus. I just want something that will eat the algae. Any suggestions?

Although I love AquaClear I have a 70 on my 50 gallon, and I cannot grow plants on the side that it's on. Think it produces too much current.

Shrimp probably wouldn't work unless you get some bigger sized species.
I have modified my Aquaclear so it doesn't produce a lot of current. I'm just really trying to figure out what fish would work well for the algae. I already have a fair bit o fit growing on my anubias!
I have a good few plecs in with my discus (they are fry that are growing on) and not once have i seen them rasp or go near the discus. I wouldnt worry about your BN as long as you have some bogwood for it.

Oto's i have had in other tanks and they have rasped from fish then so IMO i would not put them in with discus.

Quick warning. When adding a new lone discus, you will need to realy watch it. As far as the other 5 fish are concerned, it is their tank and the newcommer isn't welcome. If you introduce more than one, the resulting harrasment is spread arround, but 5 on 1 may be too much for alot of discus, especially after the stress of being moved :nod: You can get 7 discus in there comfortably IMO, so getting a second new discus would be safer IMO :good: I have found the hard way that 6 of mine will probibly go as far as killing a lone newcommer, having had to rescue a new fish after just 1/2 an hour, in a realy bad way. Even with a introduction of two in one go after that, the welcome for each fish was still very warm :crazy: Now 3 months down the line, they are sill squabling regularly, though the intensity isn't as fearse... How badly a new fish will come off depends upon your individual fish, but in many cases, the idea of introducing only one newcommer is risky :sad:

I have had Ottos latch onto angels before, but also had them well behaved. Any algea eater latching onto a Discus would be a risk that you take with any species you introduce IME, so watch them all also. I have success with L66 plecos :good:

All the best
Thanks for the info! I have a female BN who I've had for a long time and has always been well behaved so I think I will give her a shot with the Discus. As for them beating ont he newcomer, I know there is a risk and I plan to re-arrange the tank before doing it and watch closely, the group I have now is pretty easy going so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a problem. I'm also still on the fence about the planting the tank. I love the way planted Discus tanks look but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep things as clean as I like with plants in there.
Thanks for the info! I have a female BN who I've had for a long time and has always been well behaved so I think I will give her a shot with the Discus. As for them beating ont he newcomer, I know there is a risk and I plan to re-arrange the tank before doing it and watch closely, the group I have now is pretty easy going so I'm hoping it won't be too much of a problem. I'm also still on the fence about the planting the tank. I love the way planted Discus tanks look but I'm afraid I won't be able to keep things as clean as I like with plants in there.

Ya know I thought the same thing you as when, and took the plunge into a planted Discus tank. I cannot keep it anywhere near as clean as I can my bare bottom. Don't get my wrong, I still keep it very clean, but just not as clean as when it was bare bottom.
Yeah, that's got me a little worried. I'm a bit paranoid about the clean. I'm actually re=thinking going totally planted. I may just wait until my other 70g opens up and try that as a planted angel tank. I'll have to do some thinking.
Yeah, that's got me a little worried. I'm a bit paranoid about the clean. I'm actually re=thinking going totally planted. I may just wait until my other 70g opens up and try that as a planted angel tank. I'll have to do some thinking.

How big are your Discus? If they are mature size there fine for a planted tank. I believe if you do a nice carpet you won't have to siphon the tank either, only take water out, which makes it much easier.
i,ve always kept a couple of bristlenose's in my planted discus tank with no problems, they do a great job on the algae and so far never had problems with them attaching to discus slimecoat. The tank will need more maintainance (syphoning the uneaten food and waste) due to plants and food getting trapped under them to keep the water in top condition and slightly more regular cleaning of filter pipes. But your setup and fish will work fine, go for it.
regards Angel

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