Changing Over To Sand In Oscar Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 23, 2008
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a couple weeks of looking into changing over to sand from gravel i thought i would give it a go.
i have been doing a little research and have been looking at the argos play sand.


has anyone used this in there oscar tank?, if so is there any chance of some
pics to see how it looks.

what are your thoughts on using this type of sand?

many thanks
I like that sand for most tanks but I ended up taking it out of my oscar tank. He used to pick up mouthfuls of sand and spit them all over, not good for the filters. My oscar almost wrecked 2 filters that way. But if you put something over the intake of you filter it might work.
alot of people use that and it looks really good. i had it the tank with my old oscar and it all was good. it is all according to your fish, if he likes to dig around then i would say no, but if he doesnt then i say go for it. the only bad thing about it is that it is hard to clean.
Personally, with my oscar I'd never do sand again but I like the look of it with other fish.
I wouldnt use it, Oscars are so messy, that it will be covered in crap all the time, no matter how many times you clean it.
big no no with oscars as they will dig around and flick the sand up everywhere! if it gets in your filters, chances are it'll damage or break them!

here is how it looks with other fish, but it seems you have an overwhelming no from everyone. Now they did make a good point about it being messy, even with smaller cichlids it is still messy
i had sand and would ever in a trillion years have it again, it was a stinking mess, was like standing over a sewerage pipe on cleaning day, oscars make so much mess,its imposible to clean it all up and sand definatley isnt suitable for the purpose on this occasion, the fishes waste just seems to mix in and get into a right ole mess...... think again about it,it will look fantastic for about 4 days, and thats it :( , sorry

shelagh xxxx
i used this sand with my oscars. looked good when clean for about 2 days then look owfull after that lol. also i found that wen the top layer of sand was clean underneth was black.

and like shagleigh said it doesnt smell to good on cleaning day :sick:
I have sand, but I admit for Oscars gravel is 10 fold better. Does anyone know why oscars poo is so god damn big, all my other fish (bigger then the oscar) have thin poo but the oscar's poo IS HUUUUUUUUUGE...

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