Formal Id For Me Please


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
Reaction score
Labelled up as Herichthys azureus in the LFS :unsure: Which I cant find any info on I hasten to add.

Personally going for more of a thorichthys aureus, but I could be way off.

Sorry about the pics, he's only been in for like 20 minutes and my firemouth is flaring his red throat non stop at the poor chap, even though he's twice his size :rolleyes:



I dont care what he is, he is beautiful :drool: But a positive Id would be good.
It looks like Thorichthys Aureum to me. Very nice fish, I used to have a group and would love to get my hands on them again. Definitely a Thorichthys!
Hmmm, were in a tank right next to ellioti's, which is why I ruled that out.

Clearer pics once he's settled might help :)
yep thorycthis of some kind. very nice 1 too lovely looking fish
Yes it is, red spot gold, just added some more pics to the Sev thread of him :good:

Just picked up another one today, still in bag, but here he is :D

From the new pics I'd say thay are almost definitely thorichthys aureus

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