Will Keyholes Be Ok With Discus?


May 12, 2009
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hey guys/gals

im not sure if anyone has seen but im selling virtualy all my fish,and i have had a chap enquire about the keyholes,to put in with his discus and few other species.

he only wants 2,and i no they are normaly pretty timid,but will they be ok with discus's wjhen fully grown? im sure he said he had 6 discus.

i dont want to sell them to him and either fish get a hard time.

so any advise please?

many thanks

mark :good:
Keyholes are great and should be ok with that as long as the tank is big enough and the Discus stay to them selves and don't pick on the keyhole. My full grown male keyhole stood up for himself when my 3" blue acara started to pick on him. BUT he did get stressed out and did not leave his corner. so I sold that Blue acara. My keyhole is so happy now.

The keyhole does well with fish of similar temperament or similar size and smaller. They really are peaceful fish that don't want fight.
I don't know how well the keyholes will handle the discus temps. Not sure but it might be a bit warm for them.
Should be fine..Although the higher temps wouldn't exactly be good for it.
Should be fine..Although the higher temps wouldn't exactly be good for it.

Well it probably won't be fine if the high temps aren't good for it.
Lol well it should get on with discus well, but the lowest discus should be kept at is 28C imo, and with keyholes prefering 26C it isn't natural, although I should think it would acclimatise fine.
Don't take things too literally.
i dunno I keep all my fish at 28c I can't get my tank any lower than that....not lost a fish through natural causes for a few years. (did lose my male Krib when my firemouth decided to bite him into bits tho...)
My keyhole live in 78-80 F water So thats 25-26 C. He is fine. They are tough little fish the temp will not be a problem for him.

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