Preparing Birth


Fish Herder
Feb 15, 2009
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hi i have a convict as you all know that is pregnant. i need to know if there are any tips, any information or products to buy. thnx
How do you know she is pregnant (gravid)? Do you have a male? If she does lay eggs and they get fertilized you pretty much sit back and watch the parents do the work. Unless it is their first time, then they may eat the eggs/wigglers.
Most female convicts have an orange spot on the belly even if they are not gravid. Is her breeding tube down? Is she cleaning a site? Those would indicate she is ready to lay eggs. And don't be suprised if they eat them if it is their first time!
Get the relaxing music ready, remind her to breath, and I think she will be fine. If she asked for the drugs you have to give her what she wants. J/K.

How exciting, Enjoy.
hes really healing so once i clean up the fungus and ick in my tank, i will take the convict (nothing to do with the pregnant one) that assulted my angelfish to the store.

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