90g Tank Help Stock [want Rams/community]

4 German Blue Rams (2 pairs)
15 Corydora
30 Cardinals


4 German Blue Rams (2 pairs)
5 Angelfish
15 Corydora
10 Congo Tetras
maybe a few Gourami (honey, dwarf or pearl)

Maybe something along those lines. I prefer the look of a lot of one species, rather then a handful of a bunch of species. That's what I would do anyways.,
i like both ideas it'd be hard for me to pick if i had to out of those thank you very much. =)
ok how bout this

German Blue Ram [Pair]
Koi Angelfish [Pair]
10 Corydora's
5 Otto's
10-15 Rummy Nose Tetra's
10-15 Cardinal Tetra's

sound good?
or is it to much
Not sure if the Cardinals would be safe with the Angels? I've heard that Angels will snack on Neons as they get older, but Cardinals are a bit bigger.
Not sure if the Cardinals would be safe with the Angels? I've heard that Angels will snack on Neons as they get older, but Cardinals are a bit bigger.

yeah thats what i was thinking also but id have to reasearch it a bit more.
any more stocking idea's?
4 German Blue Rams (2 pairs)
15 Corydora
30 Cardinals

Maybe something along those lines. I prefer the look of a lot of one species, rather then a handful of a bunch of species. That's what I would do anyways.,

I like the sound of that tank DiscusLova. I have just imagined that fully planted up, it would look stunning.
30 cardinals!

thats alot lol!

i had 6 :D

this will look lovely!
go with the rummy nose tetra, you wont have any trouble with the angels then. I have a group of 10 in my 90 and they are amazing, they never break school, and their bright red faces look brilliant in a fully planted tank!
Not sure if the Cardinals would be safe with the Angels? I've heard that Angels will snack on Neons as they get older, but Cardinals are a bit bigger.

Cardinals should get a little bigger then neons but you may still be taking a risk. If the Angels grow up with the Cardinals, then sometimes this gives them better chances, as they see them as tank mates not food. Start with small Angels and large Cardinals (A small group to start :lol: just in case. )

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