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  1. Matt_northants

    African Butterflyfish (pantodon Buchholzi)

    Thanks very much everyone.
  2. Matt_northants

    Appisto Agassazi

    With Agassizi you can tell by the fins from when the fish reach about 1 inch SL.
  3. Matt_northants


    Hell NO metric is the work of those french devils!
  4. Matt_northants

    African Butterflyfish (pantodon Buchholzi)

    Thanks for the replies. Has anyone ever seen more than 1 for sale at any given time in a given area. I see them for sale quite often but only 1, never more. I have seen 2 for sale but in different LFSs never the same. Is it worth asking my normal LFS to order them in if so would 3 be ok? Then I...
  5. Matt_northants

    African Butterflyfish (pantodon Buchholzi)

    Hi I have a heavily planted 55 Gallon softwater tank now with a pair of Angels, pair of BNs and a striped Raphael would a African Butterfly fish be ok? I have heard that they can be aggresive but is this only towards other fish that swim at the top of the tank? We also keep reptiles so always...
  6. Matt_northants

    Cichlid Tankmates For Angels

    You could try added blanched veg such as lettuce, spinach or courgette and they might prefer to eat these rather than your plants, it works with plecs. I would say the keyholes would be ok but not the Firemouth.
  7. Matt_northants

    Fish For A Tank With A High Turnover

    Have a look at some of the South American or Asian river species like most plecs, danios and rasboras. Things like angels and gouramis wont do well in that sort of current.
  8. Matt_northants


    Surely you mean US or Imperial? For God, Harry and ENGLAND!!!
  9. Matt_northants

    Help Need Too Know Asap!

    Tetras, corys and glass catfish all need to be kept in groups of at least 6.
  10. Matt_northants

    Unusual Fish

    Almost all non-native temperate fish are banned in the UK. This includes common US fish such as Bass and Sunfish.
  11. Matt_northants

    Fish Id

    I've noticed the price of Apistos have rocketed near me too. When I brought mine they were £5 for two, now they're closer to £10 each. Even for normal Agassizi and forget about the rarer species.
  12. Matt_northants

    Appisto Agassazi

    In males the dorsal and anal fins are pointed but rounded in females.
  13. Matt_northants

    Brichardi Tank Set-up....questions

    1. I use lots of limestone and a marine substrate like aragonite sand. These keep my pH and KH at the correct levels. You could put crushed coral in your filter but if you have a low KH, which by the sounds of it you do, you'll need to keep an eye on it and top it up as required. 2. It doesnt...
  14. Matt_northants

    Female Apistogramma

    Don'y know then sorry, mine only does it when she has fry.
  15. Matt_northants

    Newbie! With A Question...

    My only arguement when trying to buy fish was in a Maidenhead store. The guy wouldn't accept that I had cycled my tank without using fish. I attempted to explain to him a fishless cycle using ammonia but he was having none of it. Luckily he's left now.
  16. Matt_northants

    10 Gallon Tall Stocking

    Maidenhead Aquatics in Northampton sell them.
  17. Matt_northants

    Upgrading My Tank.

    I have heard good things about Fit Filtration and Seabray.
  18. Matt_northants

    Female Apistogramma

    Has she got any fry with her? I have noticed my female signals to her fry with colour changes.
  19. Matt_northants

    Is It Possible To Keep Cichlids In A 65 Litre Tank?

    Common Old World Cichlids would be Shell dwellers such as Neolamprologus Multifasciatus or Neolamprologus Brevis Small "julies" such as Julidochromis ornatus Small Lamprologines such as Neolamprologus Brichardi or Neolamprologus Leleupi Or for something different Altolamprologus calvus or...
  20. Matt_northants

    Is 95 Euros A Good Price For A 10g/40l Tank?

    95 Euros is expensive for a 40l tank, the 40l Aquacube is only £50, which is about 60 Euro. And those are lovely looking little tanks. And in my honest opinion your tank would be WAY overstocked with fish that are completly unsuitable, angelfish need a tank 45cm high for a start.
  21. Matt_northants

    Could I Add Apistos In Tank With Bolivians?

    Whats the footprint of the tank? I assume its 30x12 inches? If so I think the tank would be too small to have Apistos as well as 4 Rams. The Cardinals would be fine. As for the corys and kuhlis you would be best to choose one species as both both of these fishes prefer to be in groups of 6+. So...
  22. Matt_northants

    Dwarf Cichlid For Community Tank?

    I think you have two choices, remove the red tail and get apistos or let nature take its course and take any excess fish that survive to your LFS.
  23. Matt_northants

    What Is The Best Type Of Filter For 125 Gallon Tank

    Cannisters, sump or pond filtration would probably be best. I take it due to the tank size your planning on keeping big fish? If thats the case overfiltration is definately the order of the day.
  24. Matt_northants

    Spawned Again

    No I would leave them in until the fry are free swimming.
  25. Matt_northants

    Dwarf Cichlid For Community Tank?

    He's still a baby! I take it we are talking about Epalzeorhynchus bicolor? They grow to about 6 inches and like I said earlier get more aggressive with age. I take it your tank is 2.5 feet long? If so I wouldn't risk it especially due to the cost of Apistos. What is the hardness and pH of your...
  26. Matt_northants

    Dwarf Cichlid For Community Tank?

    The problem is not with Apistos, they are great in community tanks, its your Red Tail, the larger they get the more aggressive they get. How large is it at the moment?
  27. Matt_northants

    Old Tanks

    Glass is a colloidal solid, and is actually a fluid rather than a liquid.
  28. Matt_northants

    Uaru Cichlid

    Breeding would be my worry, even peaceful cichlids are very protective parents. If I remember correctly there was an article a few months back in PFK about Uaru.
  29. Matt_northants

    Dwarf Cichlid For Community Tank?

    The problem is most of the dwarf cichlids, ie apistos, are bottom dwellers as is the red tail. IMO I think you might be better with one of small doradids. I use a Platydoras armatulus to control the fry numbers in my N. Brichardi tank, and those are REALLY aggressive so-and-sos.
  30. Matt_northants

    Uaru Cichlid

    How large is your tank by the way? And what sort of filtration are you using, if you dont mind me asking :D
  31. Matt_northants

    Rocks For Mbunas

    If you live in the UK Cotswold rockery stone, as sold by various DIY stores and garden centres works well. I use it in my RF tanks. Its normally priced £3-4 per piece, at Homebase its £3.49, the size doesn't seem to really matter. I got a piece which was 18x12x7inches there, its just a case of...
  32. Matt_northants

    Uaru Cichlid

    The one thing I would say is the Firemouth prefers hard water, whereas the other fishes prefer soft water.
  33. Matt_northants

    "african" Is Listed As Being Compatable

    I dont think it would be any of the cichlids from the Rift Valley lakes. As the gourami and barbs you listed like heavily planted tanks, not a feature of Rift Valley tanks. Some of the riverine species maybe, but I don't know so much about those.
  34. Matt_northants

    How Big Does A Bgkf

    Just for my own curiosity but what size tank would be required to keep them in? I'm a strong believer in the 6x2x2 rule ie the tanks length, depth and height need to be 6x2x2, respectively, the length of a full grown adult fish. So would a 120x40x40 inch tank be required?
  35. Matt_northants

    Malawi Cichlid Tank Setup Queries.

    I REALLY wouldn't keep Malawis in a corner tank.
  36. Matt_northants

    How Big Does A Bgkf

    Thats what was written in PFK, average adult size of 8 inches in captivity with a large fish reaching a size of 10 inches, compared to 20 inches in the wild. Never kept one myself, as I'm too worried about them eating my smaller fish, but they do look cool.
  37. Matt_northants

    How Big Does A Bgkf

    B5 is still the best sci-fi series that I have ever seen, shame Crusade was awful in comparison.
  38. Matt_northants

    Centre Piece Fish...

    The first thing you should do is buy 3 more corys, they do better in a shoal of 6+.
  39. Matt_northants

    I Am So Confused

    Read the posts on cycling, you need to do this to ensure the filter has the bacteria required to breakdown the poisonous waste produced by the fish, ammonia, to a less dangerous compound, nitrate.
  40. Matt_northants

    Fish Recommendation

    Dont go for Dwarf Gouramis, see my earlier posts on them, try the Pearl Gourami instead.