10 Gallon Tall Stocking


New Member
Jul 29, 2009
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I recently acquired a 10 gallon tall tank. It has one of those filters in the hood deals going on, and instead of the regular intake, I stuck a sponge filter on there. It seems to be working great, just completed its fishless cycle :good:

My question is how many fishes can I put in the tall? I know the general stocking ideals for a regular 10, but I don't know how it being tall changes things.

I am getting some endlers livebearers in the mail today. I am going to be a halfway house for some of them, but I was thinking of keeping the rest in my new ten. Can I get away with two trios or is the tank to small to have fry running around? I know there will be a majority of males in the shipment, so a male only tank would be possible. I haven't had livebearers in ages, but I do have a place for the unwanted fry to go if they decide their mission is to repopulate my fish room with endlers.

I also have 1 Pomacea bridgesii that I would like to see go in that tank.

Thank you for your help!
You could have 2 trios and the bridhesii in that tank. How about some 4 lemon tetras as well or serpae or another type of tetra?

Also, where did you buy your endlers in the post from [can you give a link if possible]


You could have 2 trios and the bridhesii in that tank. How about some 4 lemon tetras as well or serpae or another type of tetra?

Also, where did you buy your endlers in the post from [can you give a link if possible]



^you are really desperate for some endlers arn't you?!
You could have 2 trios and the bridhesii in that tank. How about some 4 lemon tetras as well or serpae or another type of tetra?

Also, where did you buy your endlers in the post from [can you give a link if possible]



^you are really desperate for some endlers arn't you?!

Yep :) :hyper: :shifty:
I was supposed to get 12 endler fry today but I don't think andy.ahad posted them yesterday but I think he will post them today [will pm him]
Tetras should be kept in groups of at least 6 (10 IMO).

I agree, I have just added 12 ember tetra into one of mine and apart from 1 that looks a little off the others all look awesome swimming together.

Don't know why I ever had just 6 of 1 type, 6 of another.
You could have 2 trios and the bridhesii in that tank. How about some 4 lemon tetras as well or serpae or another type of tetra?

Also, where did you buy your endlers in the post from [can you give a link if possible]



^you are really desperate for some endlers arn't you?!

Yep :) :hyper: :shifty:
I was supposed to get 12 endler fry today but I don't think andy.ahad posted them yesterday but I think he will post them today [will pm him]

Maidenhead Aquatics in Northampton sell them.
You could have 2 trios and the bridhesii in that tank. How about some 4 lemon tetras as well or serpae or another type of tetra?

Also, where did you buy your endlers in the post from [can you give a link if possible]



^you are really desperate for some endlers arn't you?!

Yep :) :hyper: :shifty:
I was supposed to get 12 endler fry today but I don't think andy.ahad posted them yesterday but I think he will post them today [will pm him]

directtropicals.co.uk have endlers listed on their site :rolleyes:

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