How Big Does A Bgkf

In the wild they reach 20 inches but in captivity 8 inches is about the average size.
To be honest, I suspect a lot of them reach 8 inches and then die, prematurely. These are long-lived fish, and rather few aquarists are keeping them for the (at least) 16 years reported by Baensch.

If you know of someone who's kept one for 16 years, then by all means correct me on this!

Interestingly, some magazines actually forbid writers like me saying a fish gets to a certain size in captivity. In the majority of cases, it's argued, the supposed "stunting" is merely a fish not living long enough, or being kept sufficient well, that it can reach its proper size. Hence, when I wrote my piece about knifefish for TFH a few months ago, its maximum size in the wild was listed, not its supposed size in aquaria.

Cheers, Neale

In the wild they reach 20 inches but in captivity 8 inches is about the average size.
To be honest, I suspect a lot of them reach 8 inches and then die, prematurely. These are long-lived fish, and rather few aquarists are keeping them for the (at least) 16 years reported by Baensch.

If you know of someone who's kept one for 16 years, then by all means correct me on this!

Interestingly, some magazines actually forbid writers like me saying a fish gets to a certain size in captivity. In the majority of cases, it's argued, the supposed "stunting" is merely a fish not living long enough, or being kept sufficient well, that it can reach its proper size. Hence, when I wrote my piece about knifefish for TFH a few months ago, its maximum size in the wild was listed, not its supposed size in aquaria.

Cheers, Neale

In the wild they reach 20 inches but in captivity 8 inches is about the average size.

sorry to go OFFTOPIC

but what is your avatar of? ive stared at it for a good 10-15mins and am clueless :lol:
B5 is still the best sci-fi series that I have ever seen, shame Crusade was awful in comparison.
In captivity 8 inches is about the average size.

tbh IME anyone who can't get a BGK to get to more than 8" is doing something very wrong,

I'd say mine is coming up close to that atm and I'm expecting it to grow at the very least another 4"
Thats what was written in PFK, average adult size of 8 inches in captivity with a large fish reaching a size of 10 inches, compared to 20 inches in the wild. Never kept one myself, as I'm too worried about them eating my smaller fish, but they do look cool.
in average they probs do reach 8" mark , i mean most people keep them in too small tanks so they will grow small. However anybody keeping them in proper coditions is looks at over 10 -12" in average .
Just for my own curiosity but what size tank would be required to keep them in? I'm a strong believer in the 6x2x2 rule ie the tanks length, depth and height need to be 6x2x2, respectively, the length of a full grown adult fish. So would a 120x40x40 inch tank be required?
i'd imagine a 4'x2'x2' or 5'x2'x2' would be minimum for one to get to a full size and be happy with some tank mates. Like most things the bigger the better. I believe the very minimum is about 60gallon but i wouldnt do it.

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