Is It Possible To Keep Cichlids In A 65 Litre Tank?


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
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land of the scots!
Is it possible to keep cichlids in a 65 litre tank? if so what ones?

I'm just thinking of all the options at the moment. My original decision is tropical (a coomunity or 2 centre peice fish)
I will research well before making a decision but help would be great!
I'm sure there are some - apistos maybe, or shelldwellers? not a cichlid expert though.
Shell dwellers or rams...not alot else...infact I wouldnt bother with Rams as they are very water sensitive and its not easy to maintain water quality in such a small tank.
Common Old World Cichlids would be

Shell dwellers such as Neolamprologus Multifasciatus or Neolamprologus Brevis
Small "julies" such as Julidochromis ornatus
Small Lamprologines such as Neolamprologus Brichardi or Neolamprologus Leleupi
Or for something different Altolamprologus calvus or Altolamprologus compressiceps

In a tank of this size Malawis are out but you could keep a pair of the above Tanganyikans. You'll need good water with a high pH and KH. If you have softer water then some of the riverine species may fit, but I don't know much about those. The only thing with the Brichardis is they breed like rabbits so will quickly fill up your tank as they are also difficult to rehome at the moment for some reason.

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