Spawned Again


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2007
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Hi, my Angel pair have spawned again

3 weeks ago they did the same but ate the eggs on day 2/3.

I moved them into their own re landscaped tank and they have spawned again (either yesterday or today)

Should I moved the pair out now???

I have so far not turned the light on and put a cover over the tank so it is dark

Any advice is appreciated


Daddy and Mummy fish
cichilds are great parents most of the time. It took my retarded Blue acaras 4 trys till they realised it is better if they work together to raise the fry. Before they would beat each-other up. I did get a target fish for them and it seemed to work my pair are working together :) .

You can leave them in as long as you want well once they start to look like real fish then move them. the parents will watch over the free swimming fry.
Dare I tempt fate??? (touches wood quick)

It's looking good so far, there are about 100/150 on 1 leaf and 3 are white

I am correct in thinking the white ones are infertile aren't I :unsure:

Any way they have been fanning them like the last time, each taking it in turns and Daddy races to the corner of the tank when I take a peek lol!

They have this tank all to themselves so hopefully they will carry on being good parents

I think the eggs are about 48 hours old, how soon after laying them to they start wiggling???

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