Help Need Too Know Asap!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 21, 2009
Reaction score
Bc, Canada
I just set up a 29 gallon tank and I was wondering if these fish would be alright together and if I could add any more?

2 krib
3 guppies
3 glass catfish
2 cories
3 neon tetras

Are these alright together? and could i add any more cories, neons or guppies? I need to know!
I just set up a 29 gallon tank and I was wondering if these fish would be alright together and if I could add any more?

2 krib
3 guppies
3 glass catfish
2 cories
3 neon tetras

Are these alright together? and could i add any more cories, neons or guppies? I need to know!
I'm not an expert on kribs, but all these fish seem fine.

I would leave the tank as it is and just do regular water changes. Every other day 10% for a couple of weeks and then on to a 25% once a week.
Hang on... You have set up a new tank and now are asking whether the fish will be okay together.. now they are already added? You really should have researched first. Why the "Help?" - are you seeing any signs of trouble that we can help you with?

Seems a little backward to me - But you have been Great in asking so I dont mean to be mean.

The neons, as they are in a new tank may be in trouble. So dont be too upset if they die. You may be better off taking them back to the shop. If you can - get a few more cories to go with the other 2. A group of 4 would be good in that tank. (Cories and kribs like the bottom area of the tank - so you dont want to crowd it up too much) You could then add neons again (group of 6 or so) after the tank has been running for 4 or so months.

Yeah - wait to see how well those fish do, and then after a couple of weeks I see no problem with adding a few more more guppies. Remember these WILL breed though if you have males and females (each male should have 2 females) so you dont really need to buy any more - just raise the babies.

Good luck with the tank.
No Tetras IMO need to be kept in groups of at least 10.

So if it were:

2 Kribs
5 Guppies
5 Glass Catfish
5 Corys
10 Neon Tetras

Then you would be ok.
Tetras, corys and glass catfish all need to be kept in groups of at least 6.
Hang on... You have set up a new tank and now are asking whether the fish will be okay together.. now they are already added? You really should have researched first. Why the "Help?" - are you seeing any signs of trouble that we can help you with?

Seems a little backward to me - But you have been Great in asking so I dont mean to be mean.

The neons, as they are in a new tank may be in trouble. So dont be too upset if they die. You may be better off taking them back to the shop. If you can - get a few more cories to go with the other 2. A group of 4 would be good in that tank. (Cories and kribs like the bottom area of the tank - so you dont want to crowd it up too much) You could then add neons again (group of 6 or so) after the tank has been running for 4 or so months.

Yeah - wait to see how well those fish do, and then after a couple of weeks I see no problem with adding a few more more guppies. Remember these WILL breed though if you have males and females (each male should have 2 females) so you dont really need to buy any more - just raise the babies.

Good luck with the tank.

What i did was once the tank was set up i put my fish from my other tank and im slowly adding but im worried about having to many fish or too little of one kind and i already have 2 older neons but im worried that my kribs might kill new ones as they sometimes chase the ones i have! also is this tomany fish to little idk some one said yes some one else told me no to many i just dont wanna kill them or over stock
As with blindcavefish, I'm not really familiar with kribs but the others will be fine. I would just raise the numbers on the corys and neons to 6 or 8 each.

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