Fish Id


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
Not sure if this is the right forum . . .

What kind of apisto is this?


I'm thinking about stocking for my 23 gallon. Would these be appropriate? I'd really like blue rams so would these fellows be compatible with them? Would blue rams be OK in 23 gallons?
Its a male Apistogramma cacatuoides (Cockatoo Cichlid)
Yeah I agreee. It is Apistogramma Cacatuoides. A male at that. I am not sure on the color strain, but I am guessing Double Full red. Not the surest on the color strain.

Not sure if this is the right forum . . .

What kind of apisto is this?


I'm thinking about stocking for my 23 gallon. Would these be appropriate? I'd really like blue rams so would these fellows be compatible with them? Would blue rams be OK in 23 gallons?

Yes the rams would be fine in the 23 gallon. I am not sure on mixing BLUE rams with apistogramma. Andy mixes a pair of Bolovians with a pair of Cacatuoides. His out come is fine. I think his tank has been set up for a while also. I would talk to him on that matter.
definatley agree its a cockatoo cichlid, its very pretty btw :good:
I've noticed the price of Apistos have rocketed near me too. When I brought mine they were £5 for two, now they're closer to £10 each. Even for normal Agassizi and forget about the rarer species.

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