Brichardi Tank Set-up....questions


Fish Herder
Oct 30, 2007
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Hey all. I am setting up a Neolamprologus Bricahrdi Species only tank. This is my first time with Africans and I have a few questions....

1. My tapwater PH is 7.8-8.0 but it tends to lower on its own in my tanks. Would crushed coral and/or limestone work to keep the PH up ? I'm not sure of how much impact they have and don't want it too high. I'm thinking I want to keep it at 8.0

2. The tank currently has a sand substrate. They are substrate spawners and I don't see anywhere whether I should have gravel or sand ? I'm thinking a dark substrate would look better. Which leads to another thing. How long can my filter be turned off before the beneficial bacteria dies off ? I suppose I could put the filter on a bucket of tank water. It is a HOB, so how am I to put it on a round bucket ? Silly I know, but I am scratching my head on this one....haha

3. Next is how to decorate the tank. It is odd shaped like a cube. 30"W x 18"L x 22"H, 56 US gallon. I need to cram as many hiding places as I can in there and due to the height I would like somthing tall. I'm thinking I could build a tall slate corner cave, maybe 3 levels like a condo IF I can find the slate. Anyone have some pics that will give me some ideas ? I'm not the most creative and need somthing to look at to get me started..

Thanks !
1. I use lots of limestone and a marine substrate like aragonite sand. These keep my pH and KH at the correct levels. You could put crushed coral in your filter but if you have a low KH, which by the sounds of it you do, you'll need to keep an eye on it and top it up as required.

2. It doesnt really matter if you have gravel or sand. Though "substrate spawners" they actually lay their eggs in caves or under rocks. As for HOB I have no idea.

3. The PFK and Cichlid forum websites have a Readers Tank section.
Thank you. I looked at some pics on this site and it helped a bit. I'm going to pick up a hardness test kit and go from there. I will also ask what the levels are at the store with the fish.

Anyone use the Seachem buffer and salt ?

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