Malawi Cichlid Tank Setup Queries.


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2009
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Hiya, I`m thinking about buying a second tank (Juwel Vision 260 for £200ish) and really fancy making it a Malawi Cichlid tank :D
I`ve been searching the forum and I`ll be doing online research but I just thought I`d ask a few basic questions here.

I`ve sussed out that they prefer sand to gravel but what else do they like in the tank?

Do they prefer rock formations to bogwood...or both?

Do they like to hide...etc. etc.

I`ve also learnt that they prefer long tanks as opposed to high ones so would the above tank even be suitable?

Food preferences?

What sort of sizes do they reach?

Which give the most striking colouration, the Peacocks or the Mbunas and is it right that the 2 shouldn`t be kept together?

Sorry for all the questions but I`m only used to keeping `ard Oscars and Plecs and want to get the setup spot on :D Thanks.
I`ve sussed out that they prefer sand to gravel but what else do they like in the tank?
Rocks, I wouldn't bother with plants with Mbuna, but with Haps and Peacocks you could have java fern, anubis and vallis.

Do they prefer rock formations to bogwood...or both?

Do they like to hide...etc. etc.
If you have some nice rock formations that they can swim into out of and around with plenty of places to hide then they will be less likely to hide. Haps and Peacocks are less to tied to rocks then Mbuna. Haps being open water and Peacocks being close to rocks.

I`ve also learnt that they prefer long tanks as opposed to high ones so would the above tank even be suitable?
That tank would be fine for Mbuna and Peacocks, and some of the smaller haps.

Food preferences?
Vegetable matter mostly for Mbuna. Peacocks and Haps prefer more standard fare.

What sort of sizes do they reach?
Depends on the species. But the commonest ones you'll see in the UK will top out at about 6 inches.

Which give the most striking colouration, the Peacocks or the Mbunas and is it right that the 2 shouldn`t be kept together?
I prefer Peacocks as they have a more "metallic" colouration. Yellow labs can be kept with them. What you keep though is really a matter of the work you want to put inand how you want the tank to look. Mbuna are usually kept at high stocking densities so require large regular water changes. Peacocks and haps are normally kept at lower stocking densities. The Cichlid forum is a good source of information and inspiration.
personaly id go with the yellow labs.... awesom colours... an relitively cheap (for african cichlid imo) also they rarely exceed 5 inches

buy lotsa ocean rock..... they love thatstuff.

i wouldnt go with bogwood...
...what does make a cichlids tank look realy nice... is a bold background like a blue or black... it makes the fish stand out so much :)

youl need ph between 7.6 and 9.0
nitrate must be kept low as the lakes these fish come from are huge... so polution is diluted and the water isnt change... so they are used to very low levels of polution..
Agreed so far.

Like to add tho, that 4ft+ length is proably best. I have a 3ft set up and I cant help thinking its a not quite right.
Thanks for the replies, I`m getting a better picture now. Ideally I want the tank to look colourful and interesting without overstocking though. Plenty to think about there :good:
Agreed so far.

Like to add tho, that 4ft+ length is proably best. I have a 3ft set up and I cant help thinking its a not quite right.
ive got a 3 foot

same about the 'feelling' stuff.... its better than wot they keep em in in the shops lol

What about a Juwel Trigon 190 as an alternative (my first choice for a 2nd tank)?
hi i have a aqua1 ar980 for sale stocked with yellow labs, neon spots, greshakei and 4 bn plecs (2 albino) im only after £200 so a bargain at that if your interested PM me your email adress and il happily send you pics
What about a Juwel Trigon 190 as an alternative (my first choice for a 2nd tank)?

Your better off with a a standard rectangular tank, as this allows you to break up the line of site more which gives subordinate fish a greater ability to flee from a dominate one.
Thanks for the replies, I`m getting a better picture now. Ideally I want the tank to look colourful and interesting without overstocking though. Plenty to think about there :good:

You have to will be bedlem if you dont!
Thanks for the replies, I`m getting a better picture now. Ideally I want the tank to look colourful and interesting without overstocking though. Plenty to think about there :good:

You have to will be bedlem if you dont!

He doesn't have to overstock if he goes with peacocks. :nod:

You could do a very nice all male peacock tank, just pick those that don't look similar to cut down on aggression. :good:
I`m having the Juwel Vision 260 :good: Made some room for it today :D Thanks for all the help and advice......I`ll be back.....with more questions no doubt :lol:
I REALLY wouldn't keep Malawis in a corner tank.

I`m not, don`t worry :good:

One more question, haha, I`ve been told that the internal filter won`t be up to the job (due to the amount of fish). Would I need something as big as a Fluval 404 which I use on my other tank....or would the next size down suffice? Thanks peeps.
I run 2 external filters (fluval 306 and a ehiem classic made for 300L tanks) on my Venezia 260 (which is identical to a vision 260 but the fluval version) I am heavily stocked with Mbuna and i change 30gallon of water a week.

No losses...all happy and eating and growing :p

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