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  1. little_betta_boy

    He's Dead :(

    I only had him a few weeks...that's the weird thing.. And zoekin...I'm not sure about the litrate cuz my test kit doesn't do nitrate..
  2. little_betta_boy

    Male And Female

    yeah...I'd put 2 or 3 females but make sure they're from the same "batch" so they're used to eachother and watch that they don't fight eachother. A bit of chasing is normal (even my platies do that) but if it's looking really agressive break them up.
  3. little_betta_boy

    Starting A Sorority Tank

    Well Obviously. You can't go without posting pics on this forum. LOL
  4. little_betta_boy

    Platy Emergency! (i'm Freaking Out) more question....does anyone know if he's suffering? I know i've asked but i REALLY wanna know... sorry if i'm pushy..
  5. little_betta_boy

    He's Dead :(

    My V.T. betta has just died and I want to figure out what I did wrong. He's in a 2.5 U.S. gallon tank that was at 26 degrees when i found him dead (Maximum 4 hours after) Stats: Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Ph-7.8 or 8.1....but i tested a week ago and it was only 7.4. Could this Ph...
  6. little_betta_boy

    Platy Emergency! (i'm Freaking Out)

    thanks...I'll keep an eye on him.. any other advice is awsome!! thank you guy SOO i love this forum
  7. little_betta_boy

    Do All Male Bettas Make A Bubble Nest?

    My guy once had a HUGE bubble nest...but then it over time smeared against the wall... Extremely off topic but what kind of tank do you have?
  8. little_betta_boy

    Platy Emergency! (i'm Freaking Out)

    Um...ok...i've heard MANY times that dropsy makes their abdomen you want like a pic? I may just be being stupid...i denno ANYWAY....Do you know if he's suffering? If i do have to put him down....what's a non-cruel way to do it?! Thanks for the help, you guy rock
  9. little_betta_boy

    Platy Emergency! (i'm Freaking Out)

    just in case i have do i put him down? is he suffering? thanks
  10. little_betta_boy

    Platy Emergency! (i'm Freaking Out)

    OK...i'm kinda freakin out here...i went to feed my platies and noticed that one of my males looked pregnant....then i noticed the prodruding scales. I gave them a full dose of Aqua Plus and Cycle. What do i do?! How bad is this?! Is it contagious?! (don't mind the spelling) Is he suffering...
  11. little_betta_boy

    My Betta

    Are you on crack?! He's gorgeous...I think I'm homosexually in loove with a fish!! :blush: :wub:
  12. little_betta_boy

    Newbie Betta Owner With Question

    I know if fish swim sideways or upside down....isn't that a swim bladder desiese or am i just being stupid? :huh: :S
  13. little_betta_boy


    hey!! Welcome to tff!! geez!! I loove oscars!!
  14. little_betta_boy


    I like what catxx said about the female sorority!! I say you put in a $#!t loud of nice leafy plants and a few of those ones that kind of look like grass in the rear half of the tamk (smallest at the front, biggest at the back) and in the front half have some bridges, funky ornaments or even...
  15. little_betta_boy

    My New Betta

    wow...I'd name him something kinda funny yet know?! probably not. I wish i could get some nice bettas like yours :drool: :drool: :fish:
  16. little_betta_boy

    Another Annoying Platy Question:p

    Okay thank you guys!!
  17. little_betta_boy

    Fin Rot

    0.5 gallon?! That's pretty small....You should AT LEAST have a 1 gallon!!
  18. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    The filter is an under water filter but it doesn't put bubbles into the water...there is a tude that's supposed to bring air into the out flow thing but it just fills up with water after about 2 minutes or so. I could put an air stone in...but my air pump is SOO loud that if i have it on i...
  19. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    Nah...good idea though matty...There's only about one cubic inch where there's a strong current...there's a very light current circulateing around the tank so he can relax behind the ornaments!! Is it okay if i turn the filter offf at night?!
  20. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    yeah...the far side of the tank...the side where he usually hangs out has almost no current so he can still doze behind the plant. ^_^ ^_^
  21. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    There!! I hooked it up so,'s hard to explain but i'll try. Half the flow hits the close side of my little rock tunnle and the other half hits the far side haking a current going through. That might by some fun if phoenix wasn't so down in the dumps. One more thing...when you saay...
  22. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    I dunno...I'll go try now!!
  23. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    I do have this rather large "elite mini" filter but i gives off an extremely strong current...even at low :( :( I also checked to see if he was sick. I've got a book and it's got like a picture of what each sickness looked like. Nothing i could see :(
  24. little_betta_boy

    I Had No Idea Where To Put This.

    How in the name of god would they pull that off?! That totally crazy!! I laughed soo hard after reading this
  25. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    OK Thank you for the help!!
  26. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    I did a water 50%...earlier I'll start doing daily changes tomorrow. My tank a few good hiding spots...there's a rock formation i made with three 4-5" long rocks and some aquarium silicone.I have 2 silk, artificial plants. One with big leeves (4" tall with 6 leeves) and...
  27. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    Nitrite-0.1 Ammonia-0.1 Ph-6.8-7.2 (couldn't quite tell)
  28. little_betta_boy

    Signing A Petition Against Youtube

    You Can aslo contact them like this: 1.Go to and go to the top right corner of the screen. 2.Click on "help". 3.Then go to th bottom right corner and click "Contact". 4.You can figure it out from there. I already did twice as a different person.
  29. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    Uh...the tank is a basic 2.5 U.S. gallon. I'm not sure my water stats yet...what stats do you need (i can test ph, ammonia nitrite and general hardness) Thanks stang
  30. little_betta_boy

    Betta Not Eating!

    Ok...I got my Betta, Phoenix, about 3 and a half days ago. He was in a tank with some other fish...I think gouramis...but I'm not quite sure. Anyways...I got him because he ws an active, healthy looking fish. Since I got him he's only taken one or too bites or food...I've even put in 5 freeze...
  31. little_betta_boy


    how do you scoop it out...wouldn't it break?
  32. little_betta_boy

    Music Soothes Betta?

    Can you post a video or some pics of this so called "happy betta dance"? I want to see what it looks like so I can try it with phoenix (my betta). :fun: Thanks SiMoN
  33. little_betta_boy

    Bettas And Cichlids ?

    I say no....the flowing fins of the betta are just toooo tempting!!
  34. little_betta_boy

    Bettas Fighting On Youtube

    Okay....I want EVERYONE RIGHT NOW to go to and go to the top right corner of the screen. Click on "help". Then go to th bottom right corner and click "Contact". You can figure it out from there....remember : don't calm and give LOTS of good points...even direct them...
  35. little_betta_boy

    Best Food For Bettas!?

    You've been a LOAD of help!! keep it SiMoN
  36. little_betta_boy

    Best Food For Bettas!?

    I didn't know that old food won't kill him will it?! I'll try some peas....And does anyone know If those pellets are okay?! Thanks SiMoN
  37. little_betta_boy

    Best Food For Bettas!?

    OMG!! Now my betta won't eat at all....not constipated...she doesn't even have the slightest buldge. Is this a problem?! SiMoN
  38. little_betta_boy

    Another Annoying Platy Question:p

    Okay thanks guys. do you think it'd be okay to keep 2 fry in a 2.5 gal?! (My girl Recently had babies so now i'm WAY over stalked :( :( ) Thanks, SiMoN Sorry...I was a bit stressed :blush: LOOOONG day SiMoN
  39. little_betta_boy

    What You Can Keep With Female Bettas

  40. little_betta_boy

    Temperature, Food, Lighting Etc.

    Yo big sistah...I think you just got told off!! I am now in loove with stang1!! Your bro...SiMoN