Male And Female


Jan 18, 2007
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Can I keep a male and 2 females in a 15 gallon tank? Or should I just purchase a male?

what else is in the tank?
no males should not be kept with females. they are aggressive fish, not like guppies.
you can however have a group of females (4 or more to spread aggression) in a well planted tank, you could fit 8-10 in a 15 gallon as long as theres lots of hiding places, if you have tankmates however that number might need to come down a little.

There is nothing else in the tank. What else could I put in there?.

hey. i agree that it's a definite NO on mixing the males and females. Try reading the stickied threads at the top of the betta forum for info on acceptable tankmates. Or try using the search feature. This topic has come up hundreds of times, so there is lots of info if you take a few minutes to search :) Good luck ! :good:
yeah...I'd put 2 or 3 females but make sure they're from the same "batch" so they're used to eachother and watch that they don't fight eachother. A bit of chasing is normal (even my platies do that) but if it's looking really agressive break them up.
The typical and accepted number is a minumum of 5 females to spread the agression. 5-6 females are fine in a cycled 10 usg. A heavily stocked tank to spread agression is considered best.

When there are only a few (like less than 5) the female on the bottom of the pecking order will get picked on stressing her and probably killing her just from the stress. With fish of competitive and nippy natures (like Female Bettas and Tetras) it is better to have more than less. It spreads the aggression between more fish so one fish doesn't get all the pecking. Because Betta are labrynth fish they gulp air from the surface and live healthy in smaller areas. They also are not a very dirty fish as some are. Again this means they can live happy and healthy in less water. Figure 5-6 females to 10 usg. If you put other tankmates in you must go back to the basics, i.e. 1" of Tetra for each gallon. If it is a loach then less fish, more water, etc.

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