Betta Not Eating!

If it's created less flow it might perk him up a bit. Just keep an eye on him and hopefully he will be fine.
Like I said, he may not have settled in yet. ;)
yeah...the far side of the tank...the side where he usually hangs out has almost no current so he can still doze behind the plant.

^_^ ^_^
do the half bottle trick. Cut a part of the bottle and use the curled in side to reduce current flow C--- The "c" in the pic is the bottle part u cut and the "---" are the filter itself
Nah...good idea though matty...There's only about one cubic inch where there's a strong current...there's a very light current circulateing around the tank so he can relax behind the ornaments!!

Is it okay if i turn the filter offf at night?!
You are best leaving the filter on constantly, don't turn it off at all. :)
The biggest point of the filter is the aeration for the ammonia, nitrite, nitrate cycle. If you turn off the filter the nitrifying, etc., bacteria will die, and the tank will have to recycle. Use it, or lose it.
The filter is an under water filter but it doesn't put bubbles into the water...there is a tude that's supposed to bring air into the out flow thing but it just fills up with water after about 2 minutes or so.

I could put an air stone in...but my air pump is SOO loud that if i have it on i can't get to sleep...Yeah, It's that loud!!
The filter is an under water filter but it doesn't put bubbles into the water...there is a tude that's supposed to bring air into the out flow thing but it just fills up with water after about 2 minutes or so.

I could put an air stone in...but my air pump is SOO loud that if i have it on i can't get to sleep...Yeah, It's that loud!!


How's the Betta Boy? Mine didn't eat for a few days either when I got him and then he ate fine...Sending you fishy prayers that all is well. -Wendy :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
What kind of filter is it???? As I said the main point to a filter is the air and water movement to increase the living area for the bacteria that eat the ammonia and nitrite. Removing the other pollutants (excess food, poo lumps, etc.) is another. But that is way secondary to the ammonia/nitrite/nitrate cycle.

I may get foggy on the individual science, but the main point I am very clear on. If the filter is not working correctly, is off too long, or gets a chlorinated water rinse, it feats the purpose.

Of course a filter is not necessary to keep a Betta; just do more water changes.

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