Music Soothes Betta?


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
I had heard stories of people having their betta doing the "happy betta dance" and moving to certain types of music. So I experimented. I put the betta about 1 foot away and kept the music at a decent level. I put many different types of music but when I put on the song "Sexy Love- NeYo", he did the betta dance and I was very surprised and wondered if it was a fluke. I put another set of music, completely different and he settled down and did normal betta stuff. Then when I re-introduced Sexy Love, he did the dance again !! I was soo amazed! Anyone else hear of this or have a betta that like music or sounds?
WHen i first started i had about 10 failed trials to breed bettas. Then I left the radio on and i had my first successful spawn. call it lucky or whatever but ive been about 90% succesfull mating with the music on since then.
I had heard stories of people having their betta doing the "happy betta dance" and moving to certain types of music. So I experimented. I put the betta about 1 foot away and kept the music at a decent level. I put many different types of music but when I put on the song "Sexy Love- NeYo", he did the betta dance and I was very surprised and wondered if it was a fluke. I put another set of music, completely different and he settled down and did normal betta stuff. Then when I re-introduced Sexy Love, he did the dance again !! I was soo amazed! Anyone else hear of this or have a betta that like music or sounds?

Can you post a video or some pics of this so called "happy betta dance"? I want to see what it looks like so I can try it with phoenix (my betta). :fun:

I cant get either sorry. He just wiggles while he hears the music and jolts from side to side. Not crazily but just darting as if there would be food beside it.
XD oh my gosh, that is so cute! My bettas do the wiggle dance when I play music too.. they seem to like the faster paced stuff.
:wub: :wub: :wub: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gotta try some music!

My dog likes "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know." I sang it to him when he was a puppy and very sick with Parvo. He recovered obviously.

Must train my Boys to "Dance to the Music!"
Our Steve gets bored except when the telly is on. I think he likes the background noise. When we were away I think he got lonely. He was displaying like a mad thing, but settled once we put the telly on. I think he got used to us having Hollyoaks on everynight and got confused and miserable when we were away and it was silent in the house. Bless him.

I dont want to put music on properly tho as he might prefer my boyfriends metal collection to my Disney Soundtracks and 80's stuff. That would annoy me greatly. even though he is Richie's fish.
I've kept the stereo on in my fishroom for exactly this reason. Otherwise, the fish seem rather bored and feeling sorry for themselves tucked away by their lonesome like that. So mistreated :rolleyes:
I've also noticed it encourages spawning. I think it's because they get so used to the 'feel' of it that they don't get distracted by every single noise/move.
Well I really wouldn't know since the music I listen to is heavy metal and rock...I have my doubts the fish would find that all to soothing :blink:
LOL... I'm sitting here listening to internet radio... Pink just came on and Rocket went mad... I think he's a Pink fan.. :rofl: I'm soooo embarassed :blush:
I win. Steve preferred Christina Aguilera to my boyfriend Richie's metal music. YAY!
LOL... I'm sitting here listening to internet radio... Pink just came on and Rocket went mad... I think he's a Pink fan.. :rofl: I'm soooo embarassed :blush:

...Hmm, that's wrong in so many ways :p

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