Newbie Betta Owner With Question


New Member
Jan 10, 2007
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Hi everyone....I'm new to this great site and owning my first fish...a betta.

My question is this: My male betta is obsessed with the bubbles the filter produces...He will stay at the top of the tank swimming against the current and biting the bubbles for hours. Today, he was sort of swimming on his side off and on while he was doing this....Is this normal?

Thanks for any helpful advice.
Congratulations on your first new fish!
Bettas prefer to have no current in there tank or a failing that a very slow one. If you can turn your filter down and try directing it at an ornament or the back of the tank to slow the current down. :)
I know if fish swim sideways or upside down....isn't that a swim bladder desiese or am i just being stupid? :huh: :S
When you say swimming on his side, did it look like he is struggling to stay right way up? Could be swim bladder. Does he look bloated at all ? Is his belly particularly fat ? He could be constipated ?
Mr. Smith is the name of my sons male betta fish. I knew about the low current but when I turn the filter off he's looking for the bubbles and he's obssessed. When he swims on his side, it's like he is trying to turn around and can't get there fast enough so he gets on his side and sometimes splashes the top of the water. I turned the filter off and after he relizes the bubbles are gone he goes streight down the tank and it's like he's levitated up to the top again. Is this normal?
Sorry I didn't answer the question about the swim bladder. I don't know anything about that but he doesn't look swollen. I just turned off the filter again and he's acting very nervous. Like he got a hold of some esspresso. Thanks for your help.
Mr. Smith is the name of my sons male betta fish. I knew about the low current but when I turn the filter off he's looking for the bubbles and he's obssessed. When he swims on his side, it's like he is trying to turn around and can't get there fast enough so he gets on his side and sometimes splashes the top of the water. I turned the filter off and after he relizes the bubbles are gone he goes streight down the tank and it's like he's levitated up to the top again. Is this normal?

No thats not normal it does sound kinda like a swimbladder problem.
Let's be very clear: Is he unable to swim to the bottom, distressed, isn't able to swim upright and keep his balance? Betta will sometimes play in water currents. I can imagine a young Betta swimming around and flapping the surface water--I have seen that. It is important to distinquish between a distressed fish unable to swim properly and a goofy fish playing around. Does he seem out of control of his swimming or happy and alert?
Sue's right. One of my bettas is very very goofy and at times I would think he had SBD. It's sometimes hard to tell. But I ended up finding out he was okay. Now with your betta, hopefully it isn't, but it does sound like osme of the symptoms of swim bladder. Hope it isn't though. But a test....turn off your filter and let him go to the bottom. Then get his regular food or a special treat and see if he can come up. If he starts to come up, play with him by having him follow your finger. If he can do that for at least 5minutes, that's a pretty close examination to see if he has SB. Good Luck

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