Best Food For Bettas!?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2007
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OK...i know you should feed them like worms and stuff and i was told that they didn't like flake food. What food would you reccommend?

So far I've been feeding him freeze dried blood worms and betta flake food :sick: Yuky flakes!


P.S. The only stores around are Hagen :(
Not that many shops round here sell anything other than flakes, and mine don't like them either.
Atison's Betta PRO is very good though. Even the fussy ones will eat it. It is very tiny pellets. You should be able to buy it from the internet I'd have thought. Google the name and see what it comes up with. :good:
That and frozen bloodworm, rather than freeze dried, with a weekly fasting day and a small amount of cooked pea will make a good diet.
Yeah...i'll try to get some of that but the only store around, like i said, sells hagen stuff ONLY!!:( :( It sucks

Don't forget the internet for food though. Most people have to buy theirs this way. Flakes won't hurt for a few days, and some people will only feed this. Just make sure you don't feed too much as Bettas are prone to constipation.
i second Attison Betta Pro, never had a fish turn it down!
stores near me didn't stock it so i got it online
If you want you can also try Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets. If you have a Petsmart/Petco near by, they almost always carry these. I feed a combination of freeze dried bloodworms and the bio-gol pellets to my boys.

Feeding scedule for me is Mon-Sat they get either 1 serving of 3 pellets in the morning, or 1 small pinch of freeze dried bloodworms. (Usually about 4 fullsized worms) At night they get 3 pellets or the pinch of bloodworms. Sunday is betta fasting day, meaning no all.

If my betta's start to look constipated durning the week I will feed that particular betta less. (One of my crowntails tends to get constipated easier then the others) For a photo reference here's what a constipated betta would look like:


(Image from

See how his tummy looks slightly rounded? Your betta should be stream line...hope this helps =)
you've been a great help...i already have freeze dryed blood worms (and betta flakes :sick: )

I also wanna get Nutrafin Basix Betta Food (Freeze dried worms)

Does anyone know if these would work good?!


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OMG!! Now my betta won't eat at all....not constipated...she doesn't even have the slightest buldge. Is this a problem?!

Don't panic.
Bettas can go for days without food and be perfectly fine. Often, a new betta will take some time to settle down, so be patient. Only offer him a small amount of food. If he doesn't eat it, try again later. Don't leave uneaten food in his tank though, as it will contaminate the water.
Does your family eat fish or shell fish, like prawns/shrimp? If they do, offer him a small amount, in tiny pieces. He'd be a strange one to turn his nose up at that! :good:
I didn't know that old food won't kill him will it?!

I'll try some peas....And does anyone know If those pellets are okay?!

Old food contaminates because it rots in the water. If you think there may be a lot of uneaten food in there, try and suck it up with a baster or pipette. Do a water change and he should be fine.
As to the pellets, I'm afraid I've never tried them. If they are the only ones you can get, give them a go. Just try 1 pellet at a time though. If he doesn't eat it, try him again later on.
When you feed him, make sure he sees where you are putting the food. They don't always notice. So try and get his attention first. He may just be looking at you through the glass, he needs to look at your fingers above the water, so wiggle them over him until he looks up and then drop the food in front of his nose.
If you are going to give him pea, the same applies. It must be in small enough pieces to go in his mouth. If he doesn't want to eat it, don't keep adding it. Try him again later.
Hope this helps a little.
My female betta always has flakes as well as blood worm and ive had no problems she laps them up although i am going aquatic shop tomorrow to buy some pellets, just to make her diet a bit more intresting.

Hikari Betta Bio gold has my vote! use this for everyday feeding. 2 bucks for a couple months of food.

for breeding purposes use live foods. brine shrimp works good and is readily avaliable in most places.

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