Betta Not Eating!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2007
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Ok...I got my Betta, Phoenix, about 3 and a half days ago. He was in a tank with some other fish...I think gouramis...but I'm not quite sure. Anyways...I got him because he ws an active, healthy looking fish. Since I got him he's only taken one or too bites or food...I've even put in 5 freeze dried blood worms and came back 20 minutes later...still 5 worms floatingin the tank so I scooped them out. When he does go for the food he just looks at it...then turns around a swims away!!

I've also noticed that Phoenix isn't very active either. He'll float around behind my plant for a while, swim a lap...then goes behind the plant, wait 5 minutes or so...then swim another lap etc. etc. Occasionally commin up to look at something.

I'm a bit worried if you can't
Sometimes it takes a few days for Bettas to settle into their new homes. My first one didn't eat for 5 days when I first got him but soon settled in.
What size tank is he in and are your water stats ok?
Uh...the tank is a basic 2.5 U.S. gallon. I'm not sure my water stats yet...what stats do you need (i can test ph, ammonia nitrite and general hardness)

Thanks stang
Betta can also be really funny about their tanks. My PK loves nothing more than swimming through the plants and round the back of the tank only to pop out infront of you and beg/jump out of the water for food :)

He has a right personality, i always fond Betta to be fish that need stimulation, places to investigate, plants to hide/swim through etc.
Ideally your nitrite and ammonia should read 0. I'd do a water change to try and bring it down a bit and continue doing small water changes daily until it's come down completely.
Have to agree with DarkEntity, Bettas can be funny about their tanks. Mine have an ornament and plants so they've plenty of places to hide.
I did a water 50%...earlier I'll start doing daily changes tomorrow. My tank a few good hiding spots...there's a rock formation i made with three 4-5" long rocks and some aquarium silicone.I have 2 silk, artificial plants. One with big leeves (4" tall with 6 leeves) and an other that's smaller (12 leeves...4"wide...2"tall) And a real, very bushy plant that i snipped from my other tank. It'll be quite bushy when it groes.
Good luck with it Simon!
Hopefully by doing the small daily water changes that will bring your stats right down.
He sounds as though he's got a nice little set up so try not to worry, he might just need a nother day or two to settle in. ;)
Just to say that without a filter (im sure you said you didnt have one) you will find it hard to keep the ammonia down, but as long as you keep up with the water changes he should be fine. Keep an eye on him, the fact he isnt eating could mean that there is something wrong.
I do have this rather large "elite mini" filter but i gives off an extremely strong current...even at low :( :(

I also checked to see if he was sick. I've got a book and it's got like a picture of what each sickness looked like. Nothing i could see :(
Is there any way you could adjust the filter so it hits the back of the tank or hits your ornament. I had to do this with my fiters and it cut the water flow right down.
There!! I hooked it up so,'s hard to explain but i'll try. Half the flow hits the close side of my little rock tunnle and the other half hits the far side haking a current going through. That might by some fun if phoenix wasn't so down in the dumps.

One more thing...when you saay small water changes how much water do you 15%? 25%?


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