Search results

  1. J

    Queen Arabesque Plec?

    I would say so. My single speciman cost me £35 so £50 for a sexed pair sounds v.good.
  2. J

    What's Your Favourite Gourami?

    In the past i've owned a pair of three spot Gouramis and I now own a pair of Golden Gouramis. ALthough they are both great fish my fav would probably still be the chocolate Gourami which i've only seen twice in shops but from what i've read and seen they're great fish even if quite difficult to...
  3. J

    Guppy With Bloat

    Thanks Wilder. Is there any further medication required after the salt?
  4. J

    Guppy With Bloat

    Hi I have a guppy thats showing all the signs of bloat. Protuding scales, staying near the top and not feeding. I've read that the best way to treat this is with a bath in epsom salts. What I was wondering was is this the same epsom salts that we humans use, or will they do, if not then where...
  5. J

    Angelfish Breeding!

    I'm not sure yet. I might leave it this time and set my spare tank up as a breeding tank. Am i right in believing now they've done it once they should be a breeding pair for life?
  6. J

    Angelfish Breeding!

    I've just watched something amazing. I was sitting there minding my own business and just happened to notice one of the Angelfishes mouthing the internal filter casing, as though it was cleaning it. Then a few minutes later I notice the Angel laying eggs from a tube on the side of the filter and...
  7. J

    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    Thanks for the advice. I've just ordered a few books on Corals and marine setups. I think I need to learn a bit more about the invertabrates and tank setups before I even think about getting a tank and equipment. :good:
  8. J

    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    Just to add i've seen some reports on the 'Aqua Medic Nanowave 29' on US forums. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this all in one setup or knew if it was available on the UK market or becoming available? :)
  9. J

    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    I'll be honest with you Musho3210 I haven't looked at specific corals that I would be interested in yet. Any good book reccomendations for beginners tanks and maybe one on corals would be very helpful. I have to admit i'm struggling finding books in my LFS that have all the information in I...
  10. J

    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    I'm looking for a small reef setup with coral and invertabrates. I'd also like a few fish but understand in a 100L tank they would have to be minimal. Really it's a way to get into the marine scene in a way I can manage and understand. :)
  11. J

    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    Hi I am planning on starting up a mini reef tank. I am completely new to the marine side of the hobby but do have three successful tropical freshwater tanks. I have bought a few books and read a few magazines and i'm at the point where i'd like to start looking for a tank and equipment. What I...
  12. J

    Clear Water?

    Humour me please, what is a diatomic filter? :unsure:
  13. J


    They could well be T. espei from looking at the picture. I'll have a proper look at them later and try and get a picture if possible. Thanks lateral line. :good:
  14. J


    I got my self a shoal of 10 Rasboras for my community tank last week. What great little fish they are. They shoal so closely but yet when feedig time comes they feed like Pirahnas(Sp) and then regain their shoal when feeding times over. So colourfull too. They were marked up as Esbe's Rasboras...
  15. J

    Dwarf Puffer Tank Mates?

    I had Oto's with my DP's in a 15 gal setup and they weren't harrased by the DP's at all. Unfortunatly they were as difficult to acclimatise as i'd read and I lost them all. Not because of the DP's i'd like to add though.
  16. J

    What Is Your Combined Literage?

    I feel so inadequote now. I only have 313L spread over 3 tanks. Though I am looking at a 55 UK Gal at the moment so that'd boost my literage, and confidence. :unsure:
  17. J

    Pygmy Puffer Tank

    Finally I think I can post a picture of my Puffers new home, a 48L trickle filter tank. Special thanks to iSnail. :good I haven't got a back yet for the tank as you can see. If you look closely you can see one of my DP's in the right lower corner. They're doing really well in their new home. :)
  18. J

    How To Upload Pictures

    Thanks iSnail. You interpreted my query precisely. Thats how i'd seen the pictures posted and thats how I wanted mine posted. Thanks again. :good:
  19. J

    Live Brine Shrimp Shelf Life?

    Yes, you do need to have a good look at the livefood before you buy it. I'm finding at the moment that in all my four LFS's the quality of the live Bloodworm is terrible. I don't know if this is seasonal but it's sure fallen off anyway.
  20. J

    Carlos Tevez To West Ham!

    I still believe we need a top class left back, a top class wideman and atleast one top class striker. The thing is to get all that we'd probably have to spend in the region of £70m, maybe more, and I just can't see us doing that. :unsure: As for Man U I think they may well end up getting...
  21. J

    Coral Sand

    To be honest I didn't weigh it or measure it properly in any way. I'd say it was probably about 4 tablespoons worth for a 10 UK gallon tank. :)
  22. J

    Coral Sand

    Yes it's tap water. It comes out at about 5.0 - 5.5 pH. I've put a a bit in my filter and it's fantastic stuff. It raised the pH from 5.0 to 6.8 in less than 24 hours, don't worry there was no fish in the tank at the time. It also increased the GH and KH to more suitable levels too. Would...
  23. J

    Carlos Tevez To West Ham!

    The rumours i've been hearing is we've paid for around 75% of him and still have a payment to make in 12 months time, that was in the Liverpool Echo. I'm a bit disheartened with the club at the moment. We were all told of the huge investment in players come the summer but nothing as yet has...
  24. J

    How To Upload Pictures

    I'm struggling a bit with uploading pictures. I've seen the question asked on this thread but i'm not sure it's been fully answered. I want to post a picture on one of my previous topics in the oddball forum. I know how to upload a picture in this forum and I know how to link to already hosted...
  25. J

    Snails: Good Or Bad?

    My snails are now at epidemic rate in my 200L tank. Everytime I hoover the gravel I pick up hundreds more babies. I'd love to take them out and feed them to my two DP's but i've got an illness in my 200L tank at the moment so I don't want to move it to the DP tank. Pity really.
  26. J

    Live Brine Shrimp Shelf Life?

    Most of my LFS's keep the Brine shrimp, Daphnia and Bloodworm in their fridges. It may be something to do with the cool temperatures making them less active so they will last a little longer, i'm no expert on that though. When I bring them home I keep them in my cupboard under my tank which I...
  27. J

    To Many Fish Tanks?

    I've got 3 at the moment. A 200L community, a 48L DP tank and a 65L which is currently housing my sick Zebra Danios. Soon this will be a livebearers tank. This weekend i'm hoping to either pick up a 80L invertebrate tank or if i'm lucky a 250L upgrade for my community. And here's me saying i'd...
  28. J

    Im Blasted Fuming

    Sounds like it couldn't have been much worse. Sorry doesn't seem enough. :angry: You'd have thought someone with 30 years experience in the hobby would have understood how important it was.
  29. J

    My New Dwarf Puffers

    Fantastic little fish these are. I've had mine now for nearly 3 months and they're really settled. They love live bloodworm and frozen too. I have a mass of snails in my bigger tank but haven't moved any over yet because I think my bigger tank may be infected with something. Great picture of...
  30. J

    Worlds Rarest Danio

    Great looking fish Wolf. Danios were my first fish in the hobby so there will always be a special place in my heart for the species. I'll cross all my limbs, :crazy: , in hope that they breed for you. :good:
  31. J

    20 Gallon Tropical Community Tank

    As everyone's mentioned i'd only add fish if the tank is already cycled and even then i'd add them over a space of time. A decent stocking that i'd like myself would be 6 Rummy Nose Tetras or Neons, i'd probably stay clear of Cardinals to start with because of their water quality preferences...
  32. J

    Coral Sand

    Anyone any suggestions? :)
  33. J

    Coral Sand

    I was wondering how much coral sand i'd need in my 10 uk gal tank to raise the pH to around 7.0 from about 5.5? Also i was wondering whereabouts i should put it? Would it be okay with the normal sand on the tank base or would it be better in the filter? By the way its a trickle filter. Thankyou...
  34. J

    How Do I Get My Water Really Clear?

    I'd also reccomend the use of some Carbon in your filter, it's always done the job for me. I was also wondering what size tank you have as I didn't think any of the bigger tanks had trickle filters and you have quite a few fish in there, and waste producers at that.
  35. J


    I did exactly the same thing. I thought it was a dodgy water test kit but instead it was dodgy water. :crazy:
  36. J

    Galaxy Rasbora

    Congatulations on the fry fishbone. :good: From what i've read these little fellas need all the help they can get.
  37. J

    Carlos Tevez To West Ham!

    The few matches that i've seen, mostly highlights on Transword sport or on CH5 really late(early), have been full of events. Either cracking goals, unbeliavable dives or some gruesome challenges. I'd like to see more on TV, then again i'd watch sport from when I woke up till I went to bed in all...
  38. J

    Maybe Something More Serious

    Thanks Tolak. I'll get in touch with the vet on Tuesday, bank holiday tomorrow, and try and get hold of some Metronidazole and dose as described.
  39. J

    First Ever Fish Photo!

    Thanks for all the kind remarks guys. He really is my favourite fish. I have a 2nd too Maxta. The other one, think it's a male too actually has a slightly funny shaped head, does't seem to give him(?) any problems though. I'll try and get a picture. :)
  40. J

    Maybe Something More Serious

    Thanks Tolak. Are they harsh medications which are likely to cause distress to any of my other fish if I treat the whole tank?