To Many Fish Tanks?

Lord Spooky

Fish Crazy
Apr 20, 2007
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lol well everyone pretty soon i will have a 3rd fish tank in my room for my new betta. You guys think im over doing it. I have a 10 gal, 35gal, and soon a 5 or 3 gal.
Nah!! I've got a 2.5gallon, 3- 1.5gallon tanks, a 55 gallon, a 20gallon tall, a 20gallon long, and a 20gallon hermit crab tank. That's only 8 tanks in my room. So you've got a ways to go!!! :good:
Nope, you have plenty more tanks till you overdo it, though you can't really overdo it with fish tanks. ^_^
Nope youar e along way away: 2.5 gallon, 30 gallon, 20 flat hexagon, sometype of tank. That is 4 tanks!!!!!!! I was offerd a 55g for free( everything included, but mom said no.
I have a 55 and a 30 gallon up right now, setting up another 30 and a 29 gallon this weekend. Not all in the same room though, but from the looks of it if anything you have some catching up to do. :good:
I have three tanks, Im looking at a gold fish tank now, I have been offererd the tank for free.
pfft only 2 tanks that are less than 40G,
wait until you have 3 tanks that are over 40G each, then moan about too many tanks.

MTS is incurable you know :nod:
I've got 3 at the moment. A 200L community, a 48L DP tank and a 65L which is currently housing my sick Zebra Danios. Soon this will be a livebearers tank. This weekend i'm hoping to either pick up a 80L invertebrate tank or if i'm lucky a 250L upgrade for my community. And here's me saying i'd never take up smoking because of the addiction and the cost! :drool:
i got a 90 gal , 20 gal tal , and a 10 gallon and i still want more but dh wont let me get more at the moment so im gonna start a savings for a 125 gal tank for my clowns when they get bigger and put them with bigger fish i want more fishy ha haha :fun: :hyper: :fish: :fish: :fish: :yahoo:
yeah that's nothing, we've downsized from 8 tanks to 5. that's a nice number
o boy. Now that i heard about goldfish i really want a goldfish tank to. I love those guys even if they only rember for like 5 seconds! :lol:
I usto have 6 20gals +.Total of 8.Couldn't cope.Thats when you have had enough lmao!
Nah you're not overdoing it. I currently have 3 tanks running (though I own 5), I've been thinking of selling the community tank and one of the extra empty ones, so I'll only have 2 running, but then I got to thinking I could pick up a tank and start breeding p.demasoni. Damn MTS! :lol:

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