How Do I Get My Water Really Clear?


New Member
May 29, 2007
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Hi i have had a fish tank now for about a month, and it currently has 6 barbs, 3 neons, 2 panchx, and a small koi, but the water is always mercy. it currently has a trickle filter in but that just is not doing the job.
please help me!!!

How many gallons/litres is the tank and how often do you do water changes (and how much do you take out) on average? Do you use dechlorinator on the water in the tank and how exactly is the water not clear (i.e. green looking water, milky/cloudy water, lots of particles in water, brown/tea stained looking water etc)?
How many gallons does your filter claim it can filter up to do you know? How often do you clean the subtrate/gravel/sand etc in the tank?

(ps: koi should not be mixed with tropical fish as they are coldwater fish, the koi will also eat all the other fish in the tank once it is big enough, which won't take long)
use an power filter with a fine filter pad and clean it daily then over time that will remove the wast.
use an power filter with a fine filter pad and clean it daily then over time that will remove the wast.

first thing i would do is find out why the water is murky, all things have a reason.

to make you water crystal clear, you could pop in a small filter with just carbon in. leave it in for 24 hours, that should do the trick. i dump the stuff after use.
I'd also reccomend the use of some Carbon in your filter, it's always done the job for me. I was also wondering what size tank you have as I didn't think any of the bigger tanks had trickle filters and you have quite a few fish in there, and waste producers at that.
The thing that worked best for me is upgrade your filter. I had a pretty cheap filter in one of my tanks and now got a good filter in there and it is really clear
Good filtration works best. I've found if you buy an aquarium kit, the filter is often underpowered for the task unless you also understock the aquarium.
Personally I am finiky about clearily so I use Purigen.

I use Purigen and I find that when I do a water change, the water I take out of the tank is noticeably clearer than the tap water going in. I intend on using it on my two other tanks as well.

I use a stuff similar to that but I've never noticed a difference. Probably because my water is always stained from the wood. I use it to absorbe nitrates though.

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