Angelfish Breeding!


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
I've just watched something amazing. I was sitting there minding my own business and just happened to notice one of the Angelfishes mouthing the internal filter casing, as though it was cleaning it. Then a few minutes later I notice the Angel laying eggs from a tube on the side of the filter and then the other larger Angel, the male I know now, following her path over the lines of eggs also with a sort of tube protruding from his body. So far she's layed around a 100 eggs but hasn't finished yet.

I have a book on Angelfish breeding so I guess I need to start reading. I'll try and get some pictures. I did get a video on my mobile but it's not brilliant. :good:
congrats, mine just bred a few days back too. really really interesting to watch. are u gonna raise the fry?
congrats, mine just bred a few days back too. really really interesting to watch. are u gonna raise the fry?
I'm not sure yet. I might leave it this time and set my spare tank up as a breeding tank. Am i right in believing now they've done it once they should be a breeding pair for life?
That would be how it is among most pairs. However if you separate them long enough, they won't be paired anymore and you may even risk having them not pairing up ever again.
if you wish to hatch the eggs, you will need to remove them from your tank, more often than not. place them in a small cycled tank with a large airstone, and some anti fungal treatment. if things go well you could end up with 50 or more angles to get rid of.

in my limited experience, angels fail to hatch eggs, well the first 5-10 attempts anyway.

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