Galaxy Rasbora


Fish Fanatic
Feb 3, 2007
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Arborfield, Berkshire
At last my cpd's are breeding, admittedly I've only had them a couple of months, but I thought my ph might be a little high ph8. At least now, I know they are not too fussy about ph. Temp is 23-24C, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, haven't checked nitrate for awhile, but usually 10-20. There are 3 males and 4 females in a 15ukG tank with plenty of java moss on bog wood, java fern and various anubias. The substrate is fine black river sand. Cheap lighting that came with the tank and a few floating plants for the fry to hide in, although they don't seem too bothered about it and are hanging out just below the surface. I've found 4 free swimming so far but there are also several more clusters of eggs around the tank. Fingers crossed, more will appear over the next few days.
Sorry i am not going to attempt to take photos of them just yet as they are tiny and I don't think my camara is up to it!
you are so lucky. you must be really proud :wub: i know how it felt the first time i had babies (with livebearers bu who cares). i want to get some too. how many you think would fit in a 6 gallon?
Don't quote me on this but I'd say comfortably, 4 to 6, say 2 males and 2-4 females or equal numbers of male and female. Just be sure you have somewhere for any offspring. My other 15G tank has around 12 cpd's and they do seem to argue over territory, alot of chasing and no babies as yet. I like to give them plenty of room so they don't get 'interupted' when spawning. The males seem to get quite distracted if there's another male in the vacinity, and tend to spend more time chasing off other males than paying attention to the females.

I'm sure there are others on here with more knowledge as to stocking levels than I am, as I only started keeping tropical fish in February.

And of course, don't forget that these fish are in danger and being over fished, hence the reason for trying to breed. Good luck if you do get any, they are very pretty fish and quite amusing to watch.
I believe that these have been stopped from being collected now due to over fishing, bit i got 9 fish, 3 females and gotten them quite fat now and plenty of micro eel's so gonna be moving them into a breeding tank in the next week or so.

But a local friend has these breeding as well, the adults spend most of their time hideing in or around the plants and the fry are mainly around the surface and no sign of the adults attacking the fry either, but a simple mistake like feeding daphina or other large live foods can trigger them to attack any fry in the tank as well, i know seen it myself before.

Good luck to anyone breeding these, it needs us to stop buying any wild stock and keep only home breed stuff.
Congatulations on the fry fishbone. :good:

From what i've read these little fellas need all the help they can get.

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