

Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Runcorn, UK
I got my self a shoal of 10 Rasboras for my community tank last week. What great little fish they are. They shoal so closely but yet when feedig time comes they feed like Pirahnas(Sp) and then regain their shoal when feeding times over. So colourfull too.

They were marked up as Esbe's Rasboras in the fish shop and in a seperate tank from other fish marked up as Harlequin Rasboras. They looked virtually identical. I was wondering if Esbe's was just a local name and there had been a bit of a mix up in the LFS tanks?
Could well be T. espei, there is a picture here. Generally, T.espei is a slightly slimmer fish then the Harlequin, T. heteromorpha and has a less deep triangle. It is considered a sub species of T. heteromorpha by some authorities, and as a distinct species by others. T. hengeli exists in a similar state of uncertainty.
Could well be T. espei, there is a picture here. Generally, T.espei is a slightly slimmer fish then the Harlequin, T. heteromorpha and has a less deep triangle. It is considered a sub species of T. heteromorpha by some authorities, and as a distinct species by others. T. hengeli exists in a similar state of uncertainty.

They could well be T. espei from looking at the picture. I'll have a proper look at them later and try and get a picture if possible. Thanks lateral line. :good:

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