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    Photo Request

    I really woudn't recommend a tank in the bathroom, reasons being, there will be to much of a temperature change after you have had a bath/shower, and also all the different fumes, such as your deodreant ect will kill off your fish. So personally, a fish tank in the shower carn't be done !
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    Blue Dempsey!

    I got them at £8.50 each, but to be onest, there well worth it :D thanks for the info ;)
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    Photo Request

    I'm confused as to what Bala's are lol typed it in on google, and silver sharks appeared, if thats what you mean, we have non lmao, the large foot long fish you can see are lemmon finned barbs, and if you can make him him out, theres a six barred distochodus there aswell ! :D
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    Bye Bye Neons.......

    Basically, aslong as the fish carn't fit in the angelfishes mouth, your safe to buy !
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    Photo Request

    It has 400gallons, double the amount our 8ft one had lol and we aint sure, we've added quite a few recently, and the last we counted we had 100+ in there ! We also have another 4 tanks around the house :D
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    Blue Dempsey!

    Alrite, not sure if any one has any information on these beuties, but unlike the Jack Dempsy, these colourfull fish grow half the length and aint aggressive :D Just wondering if anyone else had any information on them as there new to us in the UK as the shopkeeper said ! As far as i no, they...
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    Photo Request

    Alrite, great selection of tanks ive seen as the thread has progressed :D Just thought i'd update my pictures as ive not been on the forum for quite a while now, and last time i posted, we had an 8ft tank changing it over to a 12ft, well it aint quite finished after all this time, but heres my...
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    Red Tailed Black Shark Suggestions?

    You have also not mentioned how many tiger barbs you have, as a small shoal will inflict in them nipping eachothers fins !
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    Keeping away a heron!

    What did it taste like? Nice or not?
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    Would you recommend reedfish with convict cichlids, or will the convicts see my reedfish as food?
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    Keeping away a heron!

    lol all sound like great idea's, cheers for the advice ;)
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    hardy fish

    I agree with a1wonder, bards are a really hardy fish, but can be fin nipping such as tiger barbs, but your odessa's and golden barbs are great hardy fish ;)
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    2 spare tanks - what should I add?!

    Could maybe use one of them as a hospital tank for ure main tank, any ill fish can just be transferred to it and treated, just a suggestion ;)
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    Sucidal fish

    i voted Knock wood, but looking back, we had hatchet fish, so i guess you can tell the rest, also heared about oscars, throwing the heaters about and electricuting themselves, MAD
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    Photo Request

    Thats a great collection of tanks you've got there malawiandude ;)
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    Was just wondering, does the flash off your camera affect the fish in any ways?
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    Seemingly Near Death Barb

    lol, good to see you did your research finding that one out, the green tiger barbs, also have no stripes!
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    some of my fave pics..

    They are stunners! The blue one looks like mine lol, exept yours is in mint condition!
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    I always thought that no matter what the animal, it would only be classed as albino if it had the red eyes, aswell as being white lol
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    Id just cut a slice, asif you were adding it on to a burger, then add a weight onto it, and just drop it in, the cucumber probably wont be fully eaten, but @ least then it will be alot more easier to take back out, causing less chance of polution in your tank. Surely if you have a plec, there...
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    Seemingly Near Death Barb

    Doesn,t really seem like theres much more you can do :(
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    Please look at my Picture,

    There mollies if you ask me!
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    What happened?

    Well im not sure its the same with fish, as it is for reptiles, but if a mealworm is swallowed live, it will start to eat its way back out, and may have damaged the swim bladder from the inside of the arowana! I'm unsure, so its just a suggestion!
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    If your still concerned, add a small peace of tufa rock in your tank ;) can also buy some elements, and buffers, but can seem pretty costly!
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    Keeping away a heron!

    The thing is, we have 4 cats, will they not be affected by the fence, and also it rules out the option for a dog lol
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    Clown Loach

    Claire, just to show you how big clown loaches can get, ours are a foot long ;)
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    deep blue

    Watched bits and peaces of it, but seemed really familiar, im sure its a repeat!
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    Clown Loach

    Well ours do tend to lazy around during the day, but it doesn't mean they don't come out @ all, if we never had our 6 barred distochodus, then i'd think they'd come out alot more, tho they are alot more active when our moonlight LED's are on ! IMO they can be varied!
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    Keeping away a heron!

    lol, ive seen them in the local shop, its seems to hide the fish to much, seems you carn't really win in this case!
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    My goldfish aquarium- I like the colour blue

    I'd really have liked to see that settup with a shoal of neons and cardinals, just to see what it was like :D
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    My First Tank

    I would add some nice tall bogwood, with a few more plants around them ;)
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    Yellow finned barbs!

    Cool, thats quite facinating info, my cuzons always telling me how tasty they look when he comes round :lol: thx Lateral Line
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    Just got a trio of dwarf cockatoo cichlids!

    Im in the Uk, there around £5 !
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    What is the temperature in your tank? Are there any signs of a desease on the dead fish?
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    reasons i think the kribs are breeding again

    Another reason your kribs a breeding like wild fire is you must be feeding them alot of live or frozen foods! Its great news, but if all your fry survive then i'd prepare a new tank, as once the young are old enough, they will interbreed, and you will end up with a hell of alot of kribs lol
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    Just got a trio of dwarf cockatoo cichlids!

    Oh sorry, didn't see you were from canada lol, the prices are kind of different over here!
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    Couple Of Cichlids Using Macro Photography

    Great pics, love seeing all the little cichlids diving in and out of rocks :D
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    Keeping away a heron!

    Was wondering is it possible to keep away a heron without usin a mesh on the top or a plastic heron as they seem to ruin the looks of the pond, the heron has only been once wich was scared off by both my cats and my sister lol there has been no sightings since, but would still like to be on the...
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    Yellow finned barbs!

    Does anyone else keep these fish, we currently have 10 wich are a ft long, just wondering how big yours are and what other fish your keeping them with? Also if if you do keep these i gather your tank is not planted :lol:
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    My tank is fully covered, had them for a year and still they have not escaped thank god :D but im adding them into a 3ft tank and am not sure whats best to keep with them as the fish i want to keep i fear will either want to eat my reedfish or the reedfish eat them! Whats best recommended? Was...