deep blue

Is that the one where they have this huge shark and if its released into the wild it would eat anything in its path and destroy everything...and in the end it gets blown up but by then practicaly everybody is eaten?

Edit: Wait...I'm thinking of Deep Blue Sea...was it a documentary that you watched?
yeah it was a documentry showing different types of fish in different areas of the world... it was soooooo good.
I watch the polar bear part and penguin part. Missed most of it, only just got in from work when it was on.
Yep watched it, was good!
Favourite part was the baby sea-lions, seeing them swimming in the water with peaceful music and then......Smack a killer whale launches from behind.
(Now im not a sadist or bloodthirsty)
I just love killers in the water, i know im going to get told off about the pup but it was a good clip.
i got told of by my mum because i laughed when the whale threw the seal pup in the air..... ok i shouldn't of laughed but he had a bloody good through
Have you guys seen any video of Great White Sharks attacking seal decoys being towed behind a boat. The sharks launch themselves 6 feet in the air. Simply amazing!
I have this on DVD but I'm in the US. My kids love to watch it on our 106" home theater system. It is really awesome with the surround sound up loud. The part we like the best is the "tornado" of fish that is a school of what must be about 100,000 fish twisting around together. The dolphins inside the wave "surfing" is cool too.

-- itZme
Yep the shoaling fish of like 10,000 are amazing and theyre not exactly small fish either i doubt just one would be able to live in like 125g, Anyone know how big the shoals of neons are in the wild?. Yes that seal thrown up was funny also (Sad me). I love watching great white documentaries, Id love to go and see them for real.
that documentary was AWESOME.. we didn't get to see it all, but what was saw was just fantastic.
i have seen the great whites flipping the seals into the air doc. it is filmed in south africa at seal island, its the only place in the world where the sharks leap into the air, coz they can get enough depth to thrust themselves up.. its amazing!!
definetly worth a viewing if you haven't seen it! next time i'm in sa i'm so gonna go to seal island just to see the great whites.. poor little seals though!
It was great but i hate it when the killer whales kill the humpback whale after 6 hours and only eat its tongue .. so sad, have to turn away !

the great white programme 'air jaws' is brilliant !
Andyplec said:
Watched bits and peaces of it, but seemed really familiar, im sure its a repeat!

If its the one I'm thinking of it is a repeat. Dont ya just love british telly. The best episode (if it is the one I'm thinking of) is where they go into the deep and see all the wierd creatures down there.
dulce said:
It was great but i hate it when the killer whales kill the humpback whale after 6 hours and only eat its tongue .. so sad, have to turn away !

the great white programme 'air jaws' is brilliant !

Hi- it was a grey whale pup and I agree it was really harrowing to watch and see the end result- there I was about to go to sleep, enjoying the nice music and the pretty fish, and then that bit had me all wound up again- I didn't get any sleep until late!

Amazing piece of footage to get hold of though, must admit that.

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