Seemingly Near Death Barb

MC Ray

New Member
Jun 12, 2005
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So I have a 10 gallon tank with two pink gouramis, two tiger barbs, and a green barb. There's no water problems, and I do a 30% water change once a week. Anyway, I noticed last night one of the tiger barbs was sitting vertically. It was the middle of the night, so there wasn't too much I could do. Today, I noticed his fins were damages pretty badly, so I put him by himself and added some salt and Melafix. He can't swim or float very well, and looks stiff like he's dead, but isn't. Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated.



Andyplec said:
Doesn,t really seem like theres much more you can do :(
Sorry but I had to giggle there - after death, no : there really most certainly ins't much more to be done ;)

But sorry to hear MC Ray :(
Sorry he looked in a bad way R.I.P.
Sorry to hear that MC Ray ....And so you don't run into this situation again, maybe a little info. Tiger barbs are not a good fish to keep unless you can provide them with the following conditions.

1) Groups of 6+ are a mandatory thing....The result of not keeping them in larger groups is what happened to you. I have almost no doubt that it was caused by your other two tiger barbs and could of been avoided if there were enough of them to spread out aggression. This poor one was obviously the weaker of the three and in a 10gal there isnt alot of places to run.

2) Tiger barbs, and barbs in general prosper in tanks that ger frequent small water changes. 20% every other day works great for me. Tiger barbs are especially sensitive to high Nitrite/Nitrate levels and will show poor water conditions by hanging in the water with there face pointed down...They will also do this when stressed/Ill or injured.

3)30gal Minimum for a healthy pack of Tiger barbs is the minimum...They are very active and need a large open swimming space. They will quickly out grow your 10gal and as a rule of thumb...The smaller the tank, the more aggression is amplified.

4) Gouramis are the first thing people will tell you NOT to put with Tigers. Slow moving, long finned fish will eventually suffer when kept with tigers..especially a small pack of them. I'd be surprised if you couldn't already notice damage being inflicted to your Gouramis.

Research a little bit more and im sure you'll come to your own conclusions...

OK, I'm probably asking a really daft question here, but is that even a tiger barb ? :blink: I thought tiger barbs have stripes ? :dunno:

Ahhh, I've just done an image search and realised the albino's look like this :)

lol, good to see you did your research finding that one out, the green tiger barbs, also have no stripes!

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