

Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2005
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Hi, I have guppies, platies a couple of tetras and a cory. I am feeding flake every day and f/d bloodworms and daphnia a coule of times a week when I reduce the flake by half and replace with one of those other two.BUT I have just read that bloodworms constipate small fish - is that right? I used to see them poop more often than they do now.
What would be the perfect diet for them please? I haven't time to feed/raise live but am happy to get them anything dried.

I popped in a couple of blanched de skinned peas today and they all went crazy for them, how often should I give those, and how often a piece of courgette/cucumber?
we feed our fish cucumber about once a week, they absolutely love it, the peas go down quite well also, but they prefer cucumber. we also feed them bloodworms about 2 twice a week.
Thanks. They did go crazy for the cucumber :nod: it was lovely to see them having so much fun.
What other fish like Cucumber?

I have Mollie, Clown Loach, 1 Silver Shark, 1 Gourami, and some tiny zebra fish.

Do you take the cucumber skin off? (pesticides etc) Or cook it at all??

Claire x
Clairel said:
Do you take the cucumber skin off? (pesticides etc) Or cook it at all??

taking the skin off is personal choice,
if it's organic cucumber then no need to at all;
however if it is not organic the cucumber may
have been waxed (makes it shinier, thus more attractive to buyers)
then simply washing it maybe ok.

and you don't cook cucumber at all :p
You should see that my tetra and angle eating my pleco's food aka algae flake I was like what the stop eating my pleco food but they wouldn't listen and eat all of it leave nothing to my poor pleco :(.
our silver sharks love the cucumber, and they make a clicking noise when they eat it, the platy has also been seen eating the cucumber, along with the clown loach, the plecs, and even the silver dollars sometimes.
the silver sharks especially like lettuce, slightly boiled so its soft, and attached to the tank using a clip.
we also feed peas sometimes, boiled and de-skinned, and everyone seems to like these, even the tetras, if the peas are broken into really small pieces!
hope this helps!
Clairel said:
Very interesting thanx....Can i just ask...dont laugh, what kind of peas? Garden peas? Or any??

Claire x

I think its garden peas, thats what I gave mine anyway and they have lived to tell the tale. Sooo funnny - they all took turns in biffing them around the tank. I blanched them for half a minute and took the outer shell off and popped them in.
Thanx alot.... I guess these are frozen ones? So i will get some, and thaw them out first, take skin of, and break into little pieces is that right?

Also, does the cucumber have to be cut into little pieces too?

Claire x
Id just cut a slice, asif you were adding it on to a burger, then add a weight onto it, and just drop it in, the cucumber probably wont be fully eaten, but @ least then it will be alot more easier to take back out, causing less chance of polution in your tank. Surely if you have a plec, there should't really be much to take back out ;)
I gave my fish some cucumber earlier i took the skin off, and chopped it up into little cubes, and dropped a few in, nearly most of my fishes had a little nibble, but after 5 mins didnt seem too interested so i took it all back out, apart from 2 little bits...

Claire x
Hi Claire,
I'd give it another go in a few days and cut a slice as suggested and weight it down or put a stone through it. Maybe because its larger it causes more interest?? :dunno:

I dropped the peas in a cup of boiling water for a few minutes so they were well defrosted and then took the skin off. :D

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