Keeping away a heron!


New Member
Sep 2, 2005
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Warrington, UK
Was wondering is it possible to keep away a heron without usin a mesh on the top or a plastic heron as they seem to ruin the looks of the pond, the heron has only been once wich was scared off by both my cats and my sister lol there has been no sightings since, but would still like to be on the safeside as were at work near enough all day everyday!
I was just looking through an outdoor pond magazine and it suggested using an alligator decoy :D So that's about the only thing I can think of rather than the otehrs you have already mentioned.
lol, ive seen them in the local shop, its seems to hide the fish to much, seems you carn't really win in this case!
You can string up fishing line around the perimeter or get one of the electric fense kits. Herons walk into a feeding area so steep sides on your pond is the only true deterent. If you can't just dig the sides deeper the fishing line seems to work fairly well but herons are smart and if it learns its way around or over it will still get to the fish.

Also if its an option another gret deterent is a dog. Even the scent of one being in the yard helps keep other animals out.
The thing is, we have 4 cats, will they not be affected by the fence, and also it rules out the option for a dog lol
When we remodelled our pond we put a slab across each corner for the fish to hide. We also have plants including lillies which gives more hiding places. We also have a lovely plastic heron! Apparently you are supposed to move it occassionally as the real heron works out it is a fake. :)
How about a nice cement figure of a of those nice setters that point or one sitting down. Paint it to look real and sit it out by the pond.

If a scarecrow works for crows..maybe that would work for a Heron...if they are scared of dogs.
:no: In Great Britain the heron is protected at all times under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, with fines or prison sentences available for anyone killing or attempting to kill one :no:
I can tell you nothing works before you spend money on deterents.My area is a heron hotspot.
The only soloution is net the pond.Don't net flat,only about 6 inches above the surface,as i tried,or you'll get speared fish.
If someone sees you shooting or anything else you'll face a prison sentence or at best a heavy fine.
The heron will be back as they never forget an easy feed.Usually at daybreak.
I recently saw a pond near to where i was working which was protected by high pressure water jets which were activated by breaking one of a series of infa red beams around and across the pond. It probably cost a few quid as it wasnt exactly a small house and it had actually been installed to deter a cat which like to fish in the pond but i'm sure a stinging hit of water will deter herons as well.

Other than that set yourself up a decent hide, invest in the highest power air rifle you can find and take the bloody things head off early one morning :grr:
We put a gazebo over ours,high plants on 3 sides,we were told a heron flying overheard catches reflection on the water,top of the gazebo confuses them.We hated the netting,don't use it now.
CFC said:
Other than that set yourself up a decent hide, invest in the highest power air rifle you can find and take the bloody things head off early one morning :grr:

Or hire me!

My Crosman Ratcatcher with diopter will see him off! (On a permanent basis!)


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