reasons i think the kribs are breeding again


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
1) they've been excessively pretty ever since i reintroduced Mrs. Krib

2) i pulled out a beaten half-dead guppy today (who's been moved to the fry tank to recover/die in peace)

3) i spent the last 3 hours trying to figure out where Mrs. Krib was only to find her darting back underneath a terra-cotta pot shard a minute ago.


yep, all those lovely caves and she's ducking in and out a 1/4" gap. :rolleyes: i don't know how the hell they could have actually spawned in there; the highest point can't be more than 2" fully excavated. i suppose we'll find out about everything in just a few days... i better scurry up and get my 10g established!

i just now realized that my most beautiful and absolute favorite male guppy has gone AWOL. :sad: that's it; i'm getting out of the guppy business.

now taking suggestions for dither fish.
have you increased the amount of water you take out at a water change or the frequancy?

most often the increase in amount or frequancy will induce regular breeding.
well it definatly sounds like they are have cornnered their own little peice of the tank and will be in a matter of days to a couple of weeks.
heh, its so funny to watch her flip sideways to move in and out of there :D hopefully this go around she won't eat any babies and Mr. Krib won't feel compelled to beat the crap out of her.
Congrats... in a way.
I recomend danios. fast(So the kribs cant catch them) stay at the top(out of the kribs way) and they probably wont have time to see the fry :nod:

Another reason your kribs a breeding like wild fire is you must be feeding them alot of live or frozen foods! Its great news, but if all your fry survive then i'd prepare a new tank, as once the young are old enough, they will interbreed, and you will end up with a hell of alot of kribs lol
Andyplec said:
Another reason your kribs a breeding like wild fire is you must be feeding them alot of live or frozen foods! Its great news, but if all your fry survive then i'd prepare a new tank, as once the young are old enough, they will interbreed, and you will end up with a hell of alot of kribs lol

Pfft, whatever! The reason my kribs are breeding is that they haven't seen each other in 2 months because Mrs. Krib was in "jail" for child abuse (and her own protection). Ah sweet, dysfunctional love...
yep, I was right. :D Mr Krib started walking the babies around the tank today.

I'm a little worried b/c I've not seen Mrs Krib come out from under her pot today -_- but I'm just going to hang in there for a while longer before I try disturbing her. The last thing I want to do right now is frighten Mrs Krib into cannibalism again--since that's what nearly got her killed the last time.
thats odd I noticed babies too today.

how are you going to raise them Pica?
i'm not sure yet... it mostly depends on Mr. Krib's aggression levels. i've only got two choices: leave them in the 60g again or somehow move them into the 10g i've got full of guppy fry.


good news: Mrs Krib is alive and hiding in her pot!
bad news: Mr Krib keeps trying to beat her up. Looks like i'm going to have to siphon out some fry...

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