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  1. C


    Little one looks like a Green Cheek and the other either a Jenday or Sun. Both conures. I am thinking Jenday because more green than a sun, but sometimes they can have more green than normal. Beautiful birdies :wub:
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    And make sure you do your research on whatever bird you choose. Birds can be a lot of work, so know what you are getting into before you buy the bird. Good Luck, and make sure to post some pics when you get one :)
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    Yellow Lab taking ages!

    You'd be surprised when you may find some. Mine had hers, and I thought they were all dead and eaten. A month later I found one that had survived, and 6 weeks later another. During the time she spit, and the time I found the lil ones, I had done some major cleaning of the tank, and never found...
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    heres my bird what do you think?

    She is really beautiful. They are probably one of my favorite of the bigger birds. You will have many years of fun, and lots of great conversations :)
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    sun conures

    The big ones scare me too. I just see those beaks, and I know they could break my finger if they bit me :crazy:
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    sun conures

    Wow, I can't believe they said they were the quietest!! See, I read up on them before buying them to make sure I knew what I was talking about. If they had told me that, I would have probably died laughing!! :hyper: They still make great pets, no matter how noisy they can be :)
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    sun conures

    They are pretty noisy, but not the noisiest. The Nanday is. But, with proper training, and if you can spend a lot of time with them, the noise can be minimal. My Nanday can be noisy, but only when it is "noisy time". He knows when it is ok to be noisy, and when it is not.
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    sun conures

    Those are on the top of my conure list, behind the ones I already have of course :) We can get them in Florida for about $250.00 to $300.00 from breeders down here.
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    A Puppy Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas my puppy gave to me, The Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the second day of Christmas my puppy gave to me, Two leaking bubble lights, And the Santa topper from the Christmas tree. On the third day of Christmas my puppy gave to me, Three punctured...
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    Question about the amount of Africans to keep

    I have been told the same thing about overstocking them. I have never done it, so I am bot sure if it does work. Mine is understocked, and they are not overly aggressive. I am sure there are some experts who come in here who can tell us if the is fact or fiction.
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    Norma Jeane!

    I second that :) :kewlpics: I had one exactly like her, and they are wonderful pets.
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    my parrot

    They are such pretty birds. You must be very proud to have been adopted by such a beautiful bird :)
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    2 New Cockatiels! iPictures Addded!

    I would recommend against the glove. It will encourage the bad behavior of biting. Stick training or just letting the bird come when it is ready is better.
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    PET peeves

    My bird Bubba loves to chew on the tray on his cage. He doesn't do it to the point where he eats the plastic, he just grabs it, and pulls his beak off of it, making a noise. Also, where his cage is, he has a back wall and a side wall. I have them covered with towels. He will pull the towel...
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    Fish building a fort !!

    All of mine do that too. Not sure of the exact reason why, but it seems to keep them occupied.
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    2 New Cockatiels! iPictures Addded!

    How much time did these birds spend in a cage before you started handling them? We adopted a 5 year old Nanday Conure who had never been out of her cage...ever. We did not handle her until she was ready. Everyday, we opened up her cage, and left it open. Gradually, she made her way out. After...
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    my weird lookin kitty

    Beautiful little kitty. Reminds me of a tiny bear cub because of the look of the texture of its fur, and the way his claws show up in the first pic there. Can't wait to see the kitty when it is bigger. :wub:
  18. C

    Grab the Kleenex for this one

    I just found this website dedicated to Pug rescues. They have a touching slideshow set up with pictures of the Pugs they have saved, and therr stories. It is even set to music. By the end, i was crying :sad: :-(
  19. C

    I've got mbuna fry!! Advice please......

    I bought a 5 gallon hex tank at walmart, and used that for my fry. I put some netting over the filter to keep them from getting sucked up. It was under 30 bucks, and fits almost anywhere. You could look on ebay and maybe find a small used tank too. They can also stay in a small fish bowl. They...
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    I have a 55 gallon and a 30 gallon full of cichlids. The 55 has 6 adult and 1 algae eater. The 3 has 5 fish ranging in size from 1 inch to 3 inches and a small algae eater. The problem is that we are moving in with family, and will not be able to set up the tanks. They are coming with us, but...
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    my mammals

    I love the undercover kitty pic. Adorable :wub:
  22. C

    If you had a 200 gallon tank....

    I would have as many Convicts and Dempseys I could fit in there.
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    My Cats..

    Oh, they are so beautiful. All of them. Ellis has the sweetest face, and Larian is gorgeous. I love them all :wub:
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    egg spots

    There is a topic on egg spots here: With my experience, they are unreliable, and it is best to wait and see to determine sex.
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    My Lovebird!

    I have to admit, when I first saw her do this, I thought she was crazy. Or I was crazy. :fun: She was such a fun little bird, and was full of personality. She used to play with my Nanday Bubba all the time. She would sleep in his cage, and clean him in areas he could not really reach, like the...
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    I have a few tanks with the bio wheel, and if it gets too heavy and won't turn, you can scrape off some of the good bacteria on it, or rinse it in water (not tap, but tank water) and it will take some of it off. Means you are doing something right if it is collecting like that :) Oh, and...
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    My Lovebird!

    Oh, I had one just like that. They are so beautiful!! Mine used to love to shred newspaper, and stuff it under her wings. Apparently this is a normal behavior for them. I 2nd the nomination!! :clap: :thumbs:
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    Indie is Dead

    I am so glad you were able to find Indie, even though she had passed. That is so much better than not knowing. And, I think it is wonderful you can open your house up to another bird. That is the best way to carry on Indie's memory.
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    Bye old man

    Wow, 20 years. That is a great long life for a cat. You should be happy you got to spend all that time with him. I am sure he loved you very much.
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    Indie's dead...?

    I am so sorry!!! I really hope you find her :(
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    I saw on TV last night where they put a flea collar in their vacuum. This will kill any fleas that may be alive that you vacuum from the carpet. They said the change the flea collar as often as you would if it was on the pet.
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    Symon, Colin, Oscar and Monty pics

    Your piggies are adorable. I used to breed them, and miss having them around. :wub:
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    Hello, Bruce. You are so handsome. :wub:
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    Very beautiful birdie.
  35. C

    Our Birdies

    Beautiful birdies. I 2nd the nomination. I love Nandays!!!
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    nanday conures...

    When mine were young, I made sure to have them around people other than myself and my boy-friend. Because of that, they are both very social and get along with anyone. They did not pick one of us to attatch themselves to. Certain people scare them, especially people who know on our door, like...
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    New parrot

    The vet told me to use different sized perches. It causes them to use their feet a bit more. Everytime Bubba goes in for checkups, they are getting better and better. They will never look normal, but he has regained more use than when I got him. He just needs some "birdie therapy" :lol:
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    nanday conures...

    Quakers are good birds. I have a friend who has one, and he is quieter, and can talk and do tricks. The talking and tricks will all depend on you and how you train them.
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    bird help plz!!!

    He's a very cute bird :wub: And so is yours Miss Claire :)
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    New parrot

    She is really a beautiful bird. So nice of you to take her in. My Nanday has deformed feet, and that has never stopped him from doing anything. The only thing he cannot do is eat food from his feet. We have Quakers and Nandays here in FL that fly in flocks and are everywhere. In the morning...