sun conures


New Member
Nov 3, 2004
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i'm getting one of these in june next year i will have to hand fed it once a day so it will bond with me. julie at the pet shop owns one shes the most friendest bird she plays dead, shacks hands, and if you fold your arms and stick your thumb up just before she gets too it move it down and she will dive down after it.
They are beautiful birds!! In my old town at a pet shop I used to go to all the time they had some for sale that were tame...and very friendly!!

I'd love to own one someday :wub:
Those are on the top of my conure list, behind the ones I already have of course :)

We can get them in Florida for about $250.00 to $300.00 from breeders down here.
my friend had one ( dont know if he still does. He moved to mass.) and they trained it to walk up the side of the cage and than across the top of it. It looked really funny.
They are gorgeous pets - but LOUD!!! get ready cause the sun conure is the loudest of the conures I believe. I had one and it was so loud if I was on the phone and he would screech the phone line would literally cut out! They are a pet that needs LOADS of attention- if you do not have time DONT DO IT! I thought I would have plenty of time for Rocky I got him for $350.00 and after two years sold him for $100.00. With 3 little ones running around I just didnt have the time for him. He was pretty cool though he would say "go to work and feed rocky", whistle pretty, say pretty bird and stuff. When you told him to go to bed he would climb inside his little fleece sleepy thingamajingy and sleep! He was very much a one person bird - however he would choose who he wanted to bond with from week to week - one week I was his fav- he loved me to pieces the following week he loved my ex and would try to bite me!! Crazy Bird! Anyway good luck to you!
They are pretty noisy, but not the noisiest. The Nanday is. But, with proper training, and if you can spend a lot of time with them, the noise can be minimal. My Nanday can be noisy, but only when it is "noisy time". He knows when it is ok to be noisy, and when it is not.
HMMMMM guess I have been mislead by the local pet They told me that nandays and are one of the ( mislead by the local pet store - WELL I NEVAH!!! :rofl: )

I agree with you cichlidmommy TIME lots of TIME is the main ingredient.
Wow, I can't believe they said they were the quietest!! See, I read up on them before buying them to make sure I knew what I was talking about. If they had told me that, I would have probably died laughing!! :hyper:

They still make great pets, no matter how noisy they can be :)
Awww there so pretty, but I don't like birds.. I'm actually afraid of Macaws and such other large birds, they can just move their wings and I think there going to lunge at me or something.
DarkSide said:
Awww there so pretty, but I don't like birds.. I'm actually afraid of Macaws and such other large birds, they can just move their wings and I think there going to lunge at me or something.
The big ones scare me too. I just see those beaks, and I know they could break my finger if they bit me :crazy:

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