Indie is Dead




I just thought i should tell anyone who was following my other thread about Indie going missing.. She is dead... :-(

A friend who lives about a mile from me, found her in his garden on Friday morning. She had died from the cold weather, she'd gone to sleep, died and fallen out of the tree so at least it wasn't as bad as id thought and she obviously hadn't suffered too much :)

He found out she was mine from the posters id put up and brought her round tonight so at least i know for sure now.

I've decided i will adopt another parrot from Birdline as i have a spare cage and it seems like the right thing to do. I dont think ill ever be able to get another African Grey though, couldn't ever replace Indie :-(

Anyway, i just thought i should let you guys know. Thanks for all your kind comments in the other thread, it really means a lot :) :wub:

I'm sorry, Jess. :-(

At least you have closure. :/

I think it's great that you've decided to a bird. :nod:
She was my baby :) Id have had her a year on the 15th as well... That's kind of depressing too :(
Closure is good though, at least i know now and can give another bird a home - I wont ever be able to replace her though, she was "my" bird... :-(

And thanks, she was gorgeous... :wub:
Hi Jess

I'm very sorry to learn what happen to Indie. :byebye:

It was very kind of your neighbor to bring her to you. Now, at least you won't be worrying any more and a new bird will find a good home with you.

Why not make memorial post for her in the Rainbow Bridge threat so we will all remember her too?
I am so glad you were able to find Indie, even though she had passed. That is so much better than not knowing. And, I think it is wonderful you can open your house up to another bird. That is the best way to carry on Indie's memory.
Awww Jess i am so sorry *runs over and give jess a big hug* but as everyone else said at least you now have closure and can grieve for her properly. All my love goes out to you. And i am sure you will give a lovely home to a new parrot!
Thanks for all the nice comments :) It means a lot...

Inchworm - I probably will put her on the Rainbow Bridge thread at some point, i dont think i could face doing it just yet though :-(

Thanks again

i am so, so sorry
words cannot express how much hurt we can feel when we lose our animals
they are our children, our best friends, and our angels
your bird was such a beautiful creature, and since i have just recently lost my guinea pig i am really emotionally fragile and can feel your pain
at least you have closure
you can take comfort in the fact that indie didn't suffer
and i'm sure you were all that was in indies mind when she was lost
you gave her such a good home and i am 100% positive she could not have had a better life than the one she had with you
even if it was cut short
remember, everything happens for a reason and with indie gone and you being ready to adopt another bird
you could be saving a life
i hope a quick recovery for you and your probably very upset green bird (was it molly?)

good luck :flower:

Thank you :)

Yes, its Molly. She's really suffering i think :( She's been quite depressed the last couple of days and to be honest, ive kind of been neglecting her i guess... Ive been too busy looking for Indie and sorting out what im going to do with her. As she's insured im going to have her cremated with the money i get back for her! I can imagine a lot of non-parrot people will think im mad, but like Pointy-Kitty says, you really do get attached and she was my baby.... :-(

I have already contacted Birdline and said that when they find a nice bird i will take it, as long as its not another Grey. As you said, things happen for a reason, maybe ill get another bird who desperately needs a home like Magic did...

I've just taken Indie's body to the vet as the insurance company insist on a post mortem, which i really hate the idea of but i guess its got to be done... :sad: At least i know now! :)
:-( I'm so sorry Jess! Indie was a gorgeous bird and she had the best life with you. I know you loved her so much and her death must be so heartbreaking. :-( :-(

:rip: Indie :angel:

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