nanday conures...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 25, 2004
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There is a baby nanday conure at my lps. I stopped to look at him and he hopped off his perch to come see me.. or to be fed, i think cuz he was bobbing his head, lol.
Unfortunately i live in an apartment so its probably a bad idea to even consider getting him :-( oh well...*sigh*
I went back the last two days to hold him and he is just the sweetest bird i've ever seen.
Anyone have conures here? I've only had parakeets.
I have a green cheeked conure. I absolutely LOVE all conures, they make wonderful pets!! But i wouldnt recommend one for living in an apartment as they can be VERY loud, particularly the Sun and Nanday Conures. Green Cheeks are supposedly the quietest conures, but when im riding home on my horse i can hear her yelling 'HELLO?' from down the road!!!lol

If you were surre your neighbours wouldnt mind the noise then go for it, otherwise maybe something like a kaikariki? They're beautiful and quiet and they're the birds recommended for having in an apartment :)

I have one, and they are definitely noisy. I do live in an apartment, but he is only noisy when I allow him to be during playtime. There has never been a complaint since he is very well trained. I also have a Green Cheek, and I agree, they are supposed to be quiet, but he does have his noisy moments :)

Nandays do have wonderful personalities, and are wonderful pets.

I have pics, and little stories on them if you want to see them:
awww, they are sooo cute;)
I started reading a lot when i saw him, i found some info on green quaker parrots. They are supposedly more quiet and also very intelligent, and talkers. I don't have to have a talking parrot, but it would be fun, i think. I actually don't have to have a parrot at all.. hahaha.. just interested right now:thumbs:
Does anyone know anything about them? :thumbs:
Quakers are good birds. I have a friend who has one, and he is quieter, and can talk and do tricks. The talking and tricks will all depend on you and how you train them.
I found a breeder online who lives about 15mintutes away from me, and lo and behold, she has 2 week old babies at the moment. Man, are babies ugly ;) just kidding, they are so ugly they're cute though. the place looks really great, she breeds quakers and cockatoos and macaws and greys. Has a bird room and a building outside for the bigger guys. All very clean, and they come with a 30 day health garantee for $125.
I'm still considering it... its a tough decision too. They are almost irresistable, but i should probably wait more than a week since i started researching and planning eh? lol.
you could keep him in the apartment but yes the noise factor does get irritating. And the more you yell back the louder they get :D
What are these birds diet?
My lorikeet has nectar as his feed which makes things a bit 'messy' if you know what I mean. You'll be very busy with a sponge and if you are superstitious you'll get good luck everyday when he does his business on you! :lol:

edit: although they can be toliet trained they do forget. My lorikeet knows to do his business on a paper towel when he comes out of the cage (very smart creatures birds are) but he later forgets.
Good points, MissClaire!
I would like to hear all the cons of bird ownership, so i can make an informed decision. not trying to be negative.. just don't want to jump in this naively either.
or is loudness and pooping about it? haha.
mostly what i read about on the net are the good things...
although.. i've really already made my decision i think... there were some toys and perches on clearance at the store today and i bought some! ahhh. hehe. i'm bad.
I guess its good that their babies... it gives me about 8 weeks to save for a nice cage and lots of toys.
I say go for it, but birds/parrots like alot of attention so if you have time for it get one. Being a baby it will become attatched to you and will probably want to sit and watch TV and watch you clean your fish tanks and if your lucky hop in the shower with you (yes they do) Then they have their occasional mood swings and when they bite they hurt! haha
But birds have ALOT of personality, love to play and are very entertaining/smart.
If you have the time get it (im not sure what this breed is that you are talking about) and if you dont mind the occasional bird poo here and there its worth it.
And you will find him mimmicking the phone and other household noises. (my lorikeet sneezes when I sneeze and chuckles when I laugh) it's really funny.
I was talking about quaker parrots.
I'm a student, so i'd only be gone for a few hours during the week, 4 or 5 hours usually. But i'd like to start waitressing on the weekends which could have me gone most of the day if i have to work doubles.
Do you think he could handle that 2 days a week? His cage would be in the computer room, which is where i spend most of my days at home, and there are fish tanks in there he can watch ( i read they sometimes like watchign fish)
I just wouldn't want him to get bored and start getting loud and disrupting my neighbors. I only share one wall, and it would be the opposite wall, and someone lives above me.
Thanks for everything though- you guys have been great in helping me decide :)
I own a Quaker parrot, he is my joy..but its not true that they are quiet birds to say the he is very loud especially when he gets mad and throws a tantrum..but they are absolutley wonderful birds in every other way. Yes they are talkers and have one of the most extensive vocabulary in the bird bird Angel knows about 100 phrases, and a couple hundred words..he can sing the entire ABC's and "twinkle twinkle little star" :rolleyes:

as for you being concerned about being away, I wouldnt worry about it if you have the proper set up for him with lots of toys. I am a fulltime student as well and work, but when I'm home I will take him out as much as possible and put music on for him to keep him company. He also resides in my fish room so he has some company during the day and something to watch.
Just make you sure you know that he/she will get very attached to you, and may not take to other people at all if you are going to raise him from a hatchling as I did..its very rewarding in the end, especially to hear them call your name in the morning to wake you up, then dance in front of you when you open your eyes :p
good luck and keep us updated!!
When mine were young, I made sure to have them around people other than myself and my boy-friend. Because of that, they are both very social and get along with anyone. They did not pick one of us to attatch themselves to.

Certain people scare them, especially people who know on our door, like the UPS guy or the maintenance guy, but they calm down after a few moments. Other than that, they love everyone.

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