New parrot

The vet told me to use different sized perches. It causes them to use their feet a bit more. Everytime Bubba goes in for checkups, they are getting better and better. They will never look normal, but he has regained more use than when I got him.

He just needs some "birdie therapy" :lol:
Hi Everyone,

I think its funny that galah's cost so much over there :rofl:

I live near some parklands in Melbourne and we get all sorts of birds making regular pit stops at our place on there journey from parklands to parklands.

We get Galahs, Rainbow Lorikeets, Sulphur crested cockatoos, Yellow-tailed black cockatoos, Corella's, gang-gangs.... The list just keeps going and going.

Its just funny that the birds that i see all the time are the birds that you see so very rarely and when you do, you find them amazing!!!! :fun:

Just goes to show they we take some things for granted :eek:

You may see Galah's everyday but you still have to admit they're beautiful! :p

Magic has about 3 different sized perches as i use branches from the garden for some of them cos apparently its good for them to have natural perches! :) Magic is going to the Vet thursday so we will have to wait and see what he says! :D

Just thought id add this on the end! :D If you want to see some more pics of Magic (and a few of my other birdies) they're here :

Just thought id add a few more pictures!! Just cos im bored!!!lol

These are all on the website that link is for, but

Anyway, Magic looking adorable! :wub:


How cute is this picture?!!?


Licking my bed... weird...


And last one... Magic with Indie again! :)


Lol... they have!! and theres only one who actually has a cage in my room too! :D lol

Im occassionally allowed to sleep in 'their' bed... though in the mornings they have to be there to supervise me until we get up! :D lol

I would love to have a galah now that I see how beautiful they are, never knew they existed until now. I have a question for you though, do they poop all over your room when you let them out, or are they "potty trained"? even though my quaker Angel is kinda potty trained and will poop on command he will still foul my rooms everywhere if I let him roam free :crazy: :lol:
Lol!!! :D

Well, ive had Indie and Molly for over a year now so they're both pretty well toilet trained. They'll either go into their cages, or if their cages aren't around they'll go on newspaper :)
Magic isn't toilet trained yet, and being 9 years old he may take a while to learn!! But when i see him 'getting into position' i hold him over the paper and say 'Go potty, Magic'! :D Worked for the other

So... no, they dont poop all over my room, but obviously they have the occassional accident or forget... bless!!lol

Magic is lovely. It's good to see him in a home that will look after him properly at last. Do you know how old he is?

This is our galah, Rosie. Magic will look like this when his feathers grow back.
Awww... Rosie is beautiful!!! I cant wait til Magic looks something like that. Hopefully most of his feathers should grow back so he will look a lot better, though unfortunately he'll never be perfect :(

He's 9 years old and has apparently been plucking for at least 5 years!!!! Though with a bit of attention, a cage rather than a box, and the proper diet he's hardly plucked at all and has already grown a lot of new pin feathers in the week ive had him!!! :D

He's doing really well! :)

I will do!

I actually took him to Newbury Agricultural Show today because the rescue centre i got him from were going and asked me to take him! Even they were surprised by how well he looked!! :D He just needed attention i think :)


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