Symon, Colin, Oscar and Monty pics

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I came down to the living room today and I couldn't see Symon. I was in the kitchen (it's open plan) and I could hear him flapping so I went to see where he had been as he confused me by not being where he usually likes (on the shelves eating my plants).

Anyway, it seems that he has befriended the guinea pigs and he is even as I type sharing their hay. I couldn't resist getting some pictures of them. They are totally fine with each other although Monty is a bit wary of Symon, but then Monty is a bit wary of everyone...

Thinking about it:


Makes his move:


mmmmm, think I'll try a bit of this:


Then I put some hay out and he wanted to try that:


2 peas in a pod:


Well, Sy is still in with the pigs and I think I might have to buy him his own plastic igloo to sleep in as I don't think he's going anywhere!!

Aw, he just got a bit of a fright when Monty jumped over into another section and flew onto his shelf again. He's watching the pigs though and I am sure he'll be back down with them in no time... lol, he just went back.

I'm glad he has friends, at least he's not alone until I get him a budgie friend.

Awww! Symon is SO cute!!!!!! :wub: Looks like a bit of a handful though... and those poor guinea pigs!!!lol

He'll probably start making a nest in their hay... Then you're in trouble! :p lol

He's adorable though!!
Great pics, Dana! :cool:

The last one is SOOOOOOOOO cute, I have to nominate it for POTM. :wub:
Great Pics

I have a Bird just like him, there's pics on here somewhere. Except he/she (we're still unsure) does sweet F A! I think he/she actually hates me. :p
Thanks for the comments guys. The 4th picture is my favourite too, he has been in with them again today. I can see that he is going to be a regular visitor. It's great, I have pets on land, sea (well, water at least!) and air!!

A petstore around here has keets in with guinea pigs and I was amazed. I always thought they would have to be raised together to be that friendly with eachother but I guess not!

Very cute pics :wub:
very cute
but be careful :crazy:
alot of budgies have a thing for "shiny's" and will suddenly reach out and poke eyes
damage to such small little animals is kind of scarey
also be careful that your little piggies don't mistake poor symons
feathers or toes for a crunchy treat
little "accidents" can happen in the blink of an eye :unsure:
Cheese Specialist said:
I'm glad he has friends, at least he's not alone until I get him a budgie friend.
i would seriously reconsider getting another budgie as a companion for Symon. he would probably become to attached to it rather than you. but if thats what you want...

anyway he looks so much like my budgie! he's very cute :wub: so are the pigs :p
Very cute :wub:

Do you put him in his cage at night, or does he get to stay out if he wants?
cutechic said:
Do you put him in his cage at night, or does he get to stay out if he wants?
I don't put him in his cage (he doesn't sit on me or anything! lol), he goes in himself and I'll close it and cover him. Then I come down in the morning and uncover and open his cage. He's at home pretty often actually through the day, although he stays with the guinea pigs more these days!!

Pointy_kitty, I have been watching them together and they seem ok and harmonious actually. :lol:

I really want to get Symon a friend, I think it's only fair. Especially as they live in flocks in the wild. Kinda like keeping a neon alone.

I haven't started any formal training yet, I've not really got information on it that I find workable. Most say their wings should be clipped, which I don't agree with, but other than that it seems to be putting your hand in the cage for 15 minutes and not moving it. Then slowly over time going towards him, then trying to get him to stand on your finger and slowly building it up. I am not sure about any of that though and don't seem to be able to get specifics on it.

lol, Symon is in the pigs' hay bowl as I type.
Cheese Specialist said:
I really want to get Symon a friend, I think it's only fair. Especially as they live in flocks in the wild. Kinda like keeping a neon alone.
i dont think it would be like keeping a neon by itself at all. if you spend alot of time with your budgie then it would see you and other family members as its flock. the only contact my budgie has had with other budgies would be when he was still in the nest and at the pet shop. hes perfectly alright without other budgies around. he probably thinks he is more of a person than a bird :rolleyes: . thats just how i see it anyway.

but, of course, its your decision :)

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