bird help plz!!!


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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need some help with my bird.
hes starting to get really mean, the other day he attacked my dad while he was on my dads shoulder. and yesterday he bit a little through my skin any advice?
almost forgot, he is just a little over 1 year old.
Has it only done this with your dad? i COULD mean that he is infact a she as some birds do prefer people of the opposite sex to them.

The only other thing i can think is that he may have something physically wrong with him. My two parrots are going through a moult at the moment and although they're not getting 'mean' if you squeeze one of the pin feathers too hard or something they will try and snap at you. Obviously im not an expert on parrots and these are just suggestions. If you want some better advice/ suggestions try posting on that forum! They have parrot experts and behaviourist on there sometime so they should be able to give you some better answers!!

Good Luck with him!

He may be going through his change. Its usually their adjustment period from being a baby, to becoming a bit more grown up. My conures went through it, and they would bite and also get very loud. There's not much you can do, but you may just want to be a bit more cautious around him to avoid anymore bad biting.

I had one of my conures bite through my ear when she was going through her change. The other would just run up and bite you and then run away. After a while, those behaviors disappeared, and they were fine. Lot of bird people call it the "terrible twos", kind of like when you have a kid, and he is growing up. Same kind of annoying behavior :)

And, I would definitely post at that forum. You may get someone who knows that type of bird really well, and can give you more specific advice.

Good luck!!
Ah i know this too well, Mori my lorikeet gets very agressive....he goes through stages..and he will pick someone he likes and sticks with them. He got very attached to my dad at one stage and if anyone tried to go near him we would get bitten... HARD! same thing if Mori got infront of a mirror he would go all stupid and start protecting his reflection. I guess it's just a mating cocky thing. he get's over it but It's bad in spring. He can be as friendly and smart as people and then before you know it he is a looney sychopath. :lol:

thanks every1, thats exactly wat i thought was goin on, and now im also goin to post on the other forum, thanks :D

edit-moght as well show ya the bird :wub:


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