Search results

  1. Skizzy

    Agreesive Betta

    I would say it's pretty normal. I've never kept bettas with ADF's, but I've read even though they CAN get along, they won't always, especially in smaller tanks such as your 2.5 gallon. Do you have any other little friends for your ADF? They like to have at LEAST one other ADF friend to hang...
  2. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Actual Betta Faces

    Same fish, different lighting. His name is Miikka. :3
  3. Skizzy

    What Is It That You Love About Bettas?

    Well, pretty much the same reasons as everyone else... Besides loving animals in general, I love their quirky personalities. Almost like an aquatic, scaley puppy. :lol: And, of course, all the different colors and tail types. I looove multis. :wub: There are definitely some beautiful solids...
  4. Skizzy

    Just Won This Guy

    They're so pretty! :D I wish I had the time and space to put into breeding some.
  5. Skizzy

    Funky Coral

    Nice find, she's a cute one!
  6. Skizzy

    Betta Behavior

    Bettas are pretty well-known for exhibiting different personalities. You never know what silly quirks your bettas might have. :D I have no idea whether or not fish can see color though. :huh:
  7. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    True enough. Some of them like their badly dyed hair. :rolleyes:
  8. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    What's so bad about goths? :P Sure a good chunk of them are obnoxious, pretentious idiots... But not all of them. :lol: And who says blondes have more fun? The rest of us can have just as much fun thank you very much. :sly: :P
  9. Skizzy

    Say Hello To Miikka

    Huh... :huh: I guess he does have a bit of pink. :lol: Can't really see it from the pics but the webbing in between his rays is a nice purple. Wait. Maybe the purple just came out as pink in the photos... :huh: Or maybe it is pink... Bah, I can't tell! He changes color in different lights! D:
  10. Skizzy

    Say Hello To Miikka

    Guess who I caught with a bubble nest in his tank this morning! :hyper: Glad to know he's happy in his new tank after only a couple days. :P I finally got some pics of him flaring. ...well, most of him. :lol: He's got some sort of Elvis cowlick thing going on with his dorsal. :P It was...
  11. Skizzy

    Tailless Girl Is Here

    "I is normul bettaz, I sware!!" :lol: She's cute.
  12. Skizzy

    Say Hello To Miikka

    Yep, I've got some aquarium salt and ich medication at home. :nod: I shall be watching him closely. So far he seems quite happy and active and is eating well. I tried to show him a mirror to see if he'd flare, but he just kinda sat there and admired himself. :lol:
  13. Skizzy

    My Frog Died!

    I had two albino ACFs for a while (had to give them to someone else, I moved). And well, I really don't know what happened to your froggy... :( The only thing I could think the stringy stuff could be is the skin sheddings, but it could easily not be, can't be sure. Sorry about your frog. :(
  14. Skizzy

    I Need To Re-home A Few Fish...

    I do love that Multi HM male... But I just got a new betta and I need to save all the monies I can. :P
  15. Skizzy

    Say Hello To Miikka

    I guess I went into the LFS after a new shipment, 'cause there was all kinds of perty bettas - even a halfmoon! But he had ich. :( A lot of their fish had ich, so I had to be careful... Since we didn't get the one my boyfriend wanted (a blue VT), I decided we could name him after a hockey...
  16. Skizzy

    Recommend A Filter

    Would you like my sponge filter? :lol: It would fit in a 4 gallon. :P
  17. Skizzy

    Would She Be Classified As Mg?

    Ah, okay thanks. So what would my new betta be? I've counted at least 5 different colors on him. :lol:
  18. Skizzy

    Would She Be Classified As Mg?

    I'm still new to this - what is MG? :blink: She's very pretty. :)
  19. Skizzy

    Fish Names

    My last two bettas were named Mr. Miyagi and Sato. I have a new betta now, not quite sure about a name yet. And though he's not a fish, my Pacman frog is named Gilgamesh. :P
  20. Skizzy

    Fish Pics!

    They're all so pretty, especially Spaz and your CT Plakat male. :D
  21. Skizzy

    The Ipond

    I know Apple had nothing to do with it, but darnit they started this whole craze with their lame iPod. :( Has anyone found out who made them yet so I can redirect my anger toward the appropriate source? :P I think a petition would be a good idea. Australia isn't the only place selling them. I...
  22. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Actually I heard somewhere that it does live in every tank but only infects the fish when they're stressed and as a result have a suppressed immunity... But since I can't remember where I read this, I'm not going to go saying it's fact.
  23. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Thanks for the advice, everyone. I appreciate your concerns, Pheonix and ibble. :) Also, I have heard about using Melafix and aquarium salt. For now, I have a bottle of some Stress Coat from API. Is this stuff any good?
  24. Skizzy

    The Ipond

    Most of you have probably already heard of it, and if there's already a topic about it somewhere, I apologize. It's called an iPond. And it pisses me off. I saw one in Wal-Mart the other day, in the fish section no less, and thought "What the hell? That's way too small and downright cruel." So...
  25. Skizzy

    Oh No What A Mistake

    It's not even April Fools here yet. :P Still March 31st. :lol:
  26. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    I have been using water conditioners, every time. As for the quality, though, I'm not sure. Recently I've been using Aqua Plus and API Stress Coat.
  27. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Huh, gonna have to research this cycling business more. Also, I just thought of something. The water here in Calgary has fluoride added to it. Will that have any affect on the betta? :huh:
  28. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    I have some Bacteria Supplement from Top Fin. That should help, right? Also, I have a sponge filter, but I think the bubbles still disturb the surface a bit too much no matter which way I point it. Not sure what I can do to fix that.
  29. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Okay that's pretty much what I figured cycling was. So sometime this week I'll do a thorough cleaning of my tank, go have a look at some sand and live plants, and then let it run for a few weeks. I'll have to keep myself from looking at the bettas until then 'cause if not I'll want to buy...
  30. Skizzy

    Betta Bubble Nest

    Certainly sounds like a bubble nest but a picture would definitely help. :good:
  31. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    I'm still pretty new to keeping bettas as a hobby, and I've seen a lot about cycling on here but I'm still pretty unclear how to do it properly. So, no I haven't cycled the tank. I most likely will before I get a new betta, once I learn how to go about it. I'll have a look at some sand, I...
  32. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Yeah I used gravel. Not the healthiest substrate, I know. I haven't tested the water - no test kit. But I think it was probably stress combined with being sick that got him. :/
  33. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    Thanks, guys. He may not have been unusual looking, but he was definitely still a looker if you ask me. :wub: Yeah, this was my first encounter with ick. I had some medication ready to go and everything. :(
  34. Skizzy

    Rescued Betta

    Aw, what a shame - he was so pretty. :( It's all these countless stories such as these that make me want to become a pet store owner so at least SOMEONE will treat fish as more than "just fish!" :X
  35. Skizzy

    My Poor Sato

    I don't understand. :-( I just got my betta, Sato, around Easter. I even upgraded his 1 gallon to a 2.5 gallon, got him a heater and a filter, and bought more food for variety. But I just noticed last night he was coming down with Ick - white spots, darting around, rubbing against...
  36. Skizzy

    Im Havin A Horrible Week

    Yeah Hagen makes the Elite heaters. I've also just recently heard the paint on them will flake off very easily in the tank and that your fish might mistake it for food, so I'm going to watch mine closely now. Pft, paint on a heater... :no: Sorry, didn't mean to get so off topic. :unsure:
  37. Skizzy

    Im Havin A Horrible Week

    I was just curious 'cause I just bought a new heater for Sato and I'd like to know if there's a possibility of it not being a very good heater. I have one of those Elite mini submersible 25 watt heaters.
  38. Skizzy

    Im Havin A Horrible Week

    Wow that really sucks. :( What kind of heater were you using?
  39. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    Speaking of violence, my boyfriend and I have guns here! :hyper: Ironic, a native dressed as a cowboy. :lol:
  40. Skizzy

    Lets See Your Betta Loving Faces!

    We're already getting drunk pics so why not bring on the violent ones? :lol: Optimus and I made a truce however and moved on.