Agreesive Betta


Fish Addict
Apr 13, 2008
Reaction score
Willoughby, Ohio

I dont post in here very often as i only have one betta but i was wondering..... I have had my betta for about....2 months now and just moved him into a 2.5 gallon tank with heater and filter, now i tried to add my adf in with him and he attacked it. Is this pretty common with adf's or is my betta just being a little butt.


I would say it's pretty normal. I've never kept bettas with ADF's, but I've read even though they CAN get along, they won't always, especially in smaller tanks such as your 2.5 gallon. Do you have any other little friends for your ADF? They like to have at LEAST one other ADF friend to hang around with. :nod:
I would say it's pretty normal. I've never kept bettas with ADF's, but I've read even though they CAN get along, they won't always, especially in smaller tanks such as your 2.5 gallon. Do you have any other little friends for your ADF? They like to have at LEAST one other ADF friend to hang around with. :nod:
not anymore i dont as one got sucked into the filter :( but im thinking about adding another.... idk yet. I had the first one for about a month with out another adf and with fish and it was fine.... idk

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