My Frog Died!


New Member
Apr 7, 2008
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I had an Albino African Clawed frog and he was living in a wonderful environment and was feed brine shrimp and I had him for almost a year. I get home yesterday and he died an left some clear long stringy substance in the tank attached to a plant. What is that?? Is this normal?? :no:


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I had two albino ACFs for a while (had to give them to someone else, I moved). And well, I really don't know what happened to your froggy... :( The only thing I could think the stringy stuff could be is the skin sheddings, but it could easily not be, can't be sure. Sorry about your frog. :(
if the frog was only fed brineshrimp it probably suffered from malnutrition. Brineshrimp don't have a lot in them and the frog needs calcium and protiens that just aren't available form Brineshrimp alone. The more variation the frog gets the better they do.
The white mucous could be a sign of poor water quality. Frogs breathe through their skin and if there is anything in the water they absorb it really quickly. Poor water quality (high ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels) or chemicals in the water will kill them.
It is possible that a whole year year of brine shrimps left enough salt in his body/tank water to kill him. That is a very unnatural food for a DAF – they do not take kindly to salt...
I think any salt from the brineshrimp would have been diluted out with regular water changes.
and that takes us back to acarman.
Did acarman do regular partial water changes on the frog tank?
Did acarman feed frozen or live brineshrimp to the frog? If live brineshrimp was used, did you tip the brineshrimp water into the tank with the shrimp?
Did anyone use any chemicals around the tank, flysprays, paint, perfume, etc?
Do you use a clean fish only bucket for water changes or do you just grab any bucket out of the laundry?
Yup, that does take us back to the OP.
Did acarman do regular partial water changes on the frog tank?
Did acarman feed frozen or live brine shrimp to the frog? If live brine shrimp was used, did [he] tip the brine shrimp water into the tank with the shrimp?
These are the important questions. As salt is not removed by evaporation, just topping-up with fresh water will only lead to greater quantities of salt being added to the frog's environment.

“Did anyone use any chemicals around the tank, flysprays, paint, perfume, etc..? Do you use a clean fish only bucket for water changes or do you just grab any bucket out of the laundry?”

One can only hope that the OP knew all about that basic stuff... I'm sure he did...
thanks guys!! i had him in a twelve gallon tank and he had a water filter and had regular water changes.

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