Search results

  1. S

    Rosy Barbs?

    Are rosy barbs schooling fish? Are the messy? I read on the tropical fish index they get to be about 2-3" but I seem to recall the sticker on the tank saying 4". Of course I would take your alls word over petcos :) Anyways the reason I ask is my gf wants to add a rosy barb to my 10 gal. I may...
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    Fishless Cycle Confusion

    Where did you buy your test kit? I use the same one and I haven't had a problem with it but maybe you got one thats been sitting on the shelf for years? It seems really odd that it only registered 1.0 with half ammonia and half water. Also did you wait 5 minutes after putting the drops in to...
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    Brown algae

    I found the opposite to be true. I left my tank lights off for 3 days and 99% of my brown algae disapeared. Of course this isn't a good solution if you have live plants but if you use fake ones you should try it :)
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    look what sum1 did

    lol personally I think thats hilarious. Although its not my car -_-
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    MTS is setting in

    Someone can still feel free to outbid me :P
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    New Tank, New Betta!

    lol walmart sells a 55 gal kit for 150 bucks. Mind you the filter and heater aren't the best but they'll do. The hood isn't too shabby though (at least for wal mart). One lfs around here sells a 55 gal tank with a glass hood (no lights) and stand for 180 and I consider that a pretty high price...
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    white bettas can jump

    I don't own any Plakats but I've heard they're notorious jumpers. Better keep an eye on him. Good luck getting King healed up.
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    Changing a Betta's diet?

    I've never tried to feed Kobe flakes but he's always eaten pellets. Dorothy will eat flakes or pellets but she seems to prefer pellets. I also agree try not feeding your better for a couple days. It won't kill them. I've gone 2 or 3 days without feeding my fish a couple times (I left for the...
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    stupid question??

    Veil tails are the long finned bettas, at least in males. Plakats and females have shorter fins.
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    lol right now I got 225gph of filtration in my 10 gal :D Talk about current. I'm going to be removing the small filter soon though. It'll still be pretty strong with the 125 though *shrug*
  11. S

    any1 know where i can get mini bowfront tanks

    Yeah try ebay. I just got a 2.5 gal mini bow off of ebay for $16. The guy even added in an air pump and some air powered decorations. Hopefully there will be some UK sellers on ebay for you.
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    Who wants to help me

    Just buy them and when the truck pulls up with the tanks and he looks out the window whack him over the head with a frying pan. When he comes too it'll be too late :) I doubt you would get in much trouble either since its a woman hitting a man. Now if I did that to my gf it'd be another story...
  13. S

    Who don't have cichlids? Why?

    I've never had any Cichlids simply because of limited tank space. Also I'm not sure even with the proper sized tank they would appreciate my very very very alkaline water. I like rams when I heard about them but by the time my tank was already pretty fully stocked plus I've heard they aren't the...
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    MTS is setting in

    She actually got me started because she bought one of the 1 gallon betta tanks first. Unfortunately she's about to give up on fish cuz she hasn't had much luck. Her first 3 bettas died of some form of very aggresive fungus. It only took about 24hrs from the first sign of the fungus until they...
  15. S

    MTS is setting in

    Argh I'm still the high bidder on the 2nd one. On the one I won the guy said he would ship monday so I should have it some time next week I think. I still haven't told my significant other yet though. I don't think she's going to take it well *gulp* :/ I also need to decide what I'm going to...
  16. S

    does anyone on here breed crowntails, and sells?

    Damn tell him he needs to rub off on my gf. I got a little over $300 in the bank and she has over $1300 yet I find myself buying her dinner and a 1/4 carat diamond ring for her birthday. Sometimes i wish I was a woman :lol: then I could just bat my eye lashes and have some poor slob buy me...
  17. S

    MTS is setting in

    Who knew this fish stuff would be so addicting. I started out with a 1 gallon betta tank, then I needed something bigger so I asked my gf for a 10 gal kit for my birthday which I got. Next I'm asking her friend for a used 20 long (which I SHOULD be getting shortly, well maybe not now because of...
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    My First Betta

    I think he's purdy :D
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    Tank lighting

    Yes I think you should change the bulb yearly. Those fluorescent bulbs can last up to 3 years maybe longer but after about a year they lose a lot of their effectiveness.
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    thermomiter or no?

    Heh my room is 76 but my tank is 80. The heater in the tank is set to 75 but since its 80 it never comes on. Go figure. Anyways yeah a cheap stick on thermometer is a good idea so you can see what the temperature actually is in your tank.
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    1 gal for betta

    I have a tank similar to the 1 gals you were talking about. I forget the brand name but it was 9.99 at wally world like those and my betta is doing fine in there. I think it makes a great betta tank. In fact I think I'm going to go back and buy a 2 gal tank for another betta I think :)
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    External filters

    Admittedly I've never used a canister filter but if you could find some way to have 2 hoses going in and out of the filter I wouldn't see why not. The only thing that comes to mind is you'd want the 2 tanks to be about the same temperature though and if you got a disease in one it could very...
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    Sorry but guppies are WEAK

    I believe your right. I had some guppies given to me that were from a lfs that keeps male and female guppies together and many of them were ill from the start. I imagine if you get guppies from a place like petco that keeps them seperate they would be more healthy.
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    My new betta girl

    The first couple days she was pretty territorial and only stayed in the top right of the tank but as you can see she's swimming through the whole tank now and she seems to be getting along pretty will with all the other fish. Only problem I've had with her is she isn't that brave when its...
  25. S

    female bettas..

    If you do breed them I'll take a couple of them off your hands :P
  26. S

    My new betta girl

    I know she's not nearly as beautiful of some of your all's bettas (especially Treefrog's :o ) She was actually rescued from a person who shall remain nameless. I'm this bettas third owner actually but I plan to take good care of her. She's already about a year old too. Anyways here she is...
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    at first i thought my female was "manly" BUT....

    Um its hard to tell from those pics. Could you try to get a pic with some more lighting?
  28. S

    Here is a bigger picture of Doofus...

    :o Wow nice looking betta you got there.
  29. S

    how long should i cycle a golfish bowl before...

    Unless you have some sort of aeration or your bowl has a really large surface area (which I doubt :/ ) then, I don't see how the water would have enough oxygen to support the amount of bacteria needed to support the bioload.
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    Planted Tank

    Thats so true! I think it applies to fish, and fish tanks as well.
  31. S

    Info on a couple of fish

    Just fyi serpaes can get quite nippy :/
  32. S

    What the heck

    Well as I've been posting (whining) about for the last 2 months I've been having hell trying to get my 10 gal tank to cycle. I'd test the water every 2 or 3 days and the ammonia would be like 3.0 at least. So anyways last week I order a penguin 125 and received it monday. I added the filter that...
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    Betta with tail rot

    You should test the nitrIte too. Most of the times when I've ever had problems with frayed and missing tail bits it was because of bad water quality.
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    MTS Taking hold...

    It sure does :thumbs: :) Oh and while you're at it pick me up a 55gal :P
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    My 10 gallon redone

    I know that but its easier to say plant than it is to say "tie some java fern to a rock." :P
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    Am i THE ONLY ONE????

    my troll detector seems to be beeping...
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    My 10 gallon redone

    This isn't a fish tank pic but here is a picture of the fluorescent light I got for free at work. I'm working at a college for the summer helping do maintenance so I have to go through all the dorm rooms and fix things the kids broke and change lights and stuff. Well I found this fluorescent...
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    My 10 gallon redone

    I changed the gravel in my 10, added a background, ripped the funky pink flower things off my rock decoration and rearranged things. It looks a little better now. I still want some real rocks and drift wood so I can plant some java ferns in there though. Then I'll be happy :) Also once the bio...
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    M8's girlfriend's fish horrer

    *sigh* you should try telling her, but she probably won't listen. At least mine doesn't *grumbles*
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    how to keep a fishtank from smelling?

    I'm not really sure what the causes of stench are, but I think changing the carbon in your filter helps remove a lot of the smell.