

Fish Crazy
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
Long Island
In my 10 gallon tank there is a strong current, is it bad to have a strong current and is my filter to powerful or too many bubbles??
Well if the fish cant R being blown around probably a little much. Plus if you cant see them due to the bubbles then whats the point ?

Good luck
Mine was doing a similar thing in the temporary tank i put my fish in today. I adjusted the air and it improved slightly, if you want a huge change then you'll probably need a different filter/a bigger tank ;)
Depends on what kind of fish you have...some loove current,other's hate it.
You could fit a spray bar to your powerhead or direct the flow towards the glass which will dissipate some of the pressure.
lol right now I got 225gph of filtration in my 10 gal :D Talk about current. I'm going to be removing the small filter soon though. It'll still be pretty strong with the 125 though *shrug*
From what I gather, a spray bar is a piece of plastic or other material that changes the flow of water on the power filter to a different direction.

Instead of the water dropping out into the tank to cause a current, it'll be pushed *back* against the glass to disrupt said current.

I think thats what I'm going to do with my power filter actually. It might work.

thanks, I gotta definitly have to look into that ... I guess you can look into your local pet store for that.
A spray bar is a long plastic tube that sticks to the glass with suckers, and it has many holes in it so that the water going through the filter/powerhead isn't just coming out of one hole and causing a massive current. I use one on my filter now as it causes a huge current otherwise!!
The other advantage is that you can direct the spray up to break the surface of the water and so creating more surface area, and greater oxygen exchange!
It's easy to have a spraybar on a cannisterfilter or sump type/powerhead. But I don't know how you'd do an effective spray bar on a power filter that doesn't outlet through tubing.

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