Sorry but guppies are WEAK

How about outbreaks cause by overstocked tanks?

Are you speaking from experience or just posting the thought of the day like a young stewart smalley?
Once when I was little I was away for a week, maybe longer. When I got back, there'd been a power outtage and my filter hadn't come back on. I only had a small tank then (5g) and an algal bloom had turned the tank into a soup. My redclaw and two small native fish didn't make it. However, I had a few guppies and didn't lose a single one, not even the fry. Mine weren't fancy though, guess that's the difference. :dunno:
My 2 male guppies have been doing great from begining to now. They even managed through the new tank syndrome... sooo IMO, guppies are tougher then you think.

Just my 2 cents
Cheese Specialist said:
May be caused by the fact they are inbred beyond belief.
I believe your right. I had some guppies given to me that were from a lfs that keeps male and female guppies together and many of them were ill from the start. I imagine if you get guppies from a place like petco that keeps them seperate they would be more healthy.
Thereare no weak fish only weak fish keepers.

Lol No thats a super mean thing to say. but some guppies are weak and some strong (thats what you get with line breeding) but if you feed properly and quarentien well (and dont get your fish high :rolleyes: you should have very few problems
there are weak and sensitive fish out there. for example those "whales" you buy in freshwater. discus can also be weak if not given proper living conditions. fish arent really weak, just sensitive. guppies are weak because they are small fish with not much muscle in their fin structure. this is not an insult but the fact.
opcn said:
Thereare no weak fish only weak fish keepers.

Lol No thats a super mean thing to say. but some guppies are weak and some strong (thats what you get with line breeding) but if you feed properly and quarentien well (and dont get your fish high :rolleyes: you should have very few problems
Thats true, I guess I am a weak fish keeper.... I should have taken care of my guppies better.. -_-

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