Changing a Betta's diet?


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Okay, I have two bettas. Moe and Pearl. Pearl is my new one, and apparently, he doesn't appreciate betta pellets.

He prefers flakes.

Is there a way to train him to take pellets versus flakes, or am I doomed to have to have two different food types sitting around?

Also, does anyone know of any ways to break the current on a Aquaclear 150 power filter? Its what came with my tank, and Moe and Pearl don't appreciate when its running. I've basically decided to either catch Pearl and put him in holding while it runs for an hour, or just make him suffer for an hour. I ran it for a while, but Pearl started to look pretty pathetic trying to be a Betta in a current.

Any suggestions?


You could add the flakes and a pellet or two at each meal, and see if he eats both when given together. Other than that, I'm not sure if you could train him to take pellets. If I may add: it's best if you feed your bettas more than one type of food. You could try feeding frozen or freeze-dried, which Pearl will probably gobble up greedily.

To slow the current on the filter, pull the intake tube up a little bit (less than in inch). Moniter the water flow from the filter until it does not create as much disturbance.

HTH :thumbs:
Well Pellets/fales are their primary diet. This is supplimented with freeze dried bloodworms. They *love* when Mommy feeds them bloodworms.

They just spit out whichever type they don't like.

I'll try that with the filter. Thanks :)

Starve him for 5 days and he should accept pellets. Make sure you drop in the pellets instead of the flakes at feeding time.
or you could even try another type of foods, frozen foods, or home-made foods such as unseasoned chicken or chicken liver bits. mine love them and they digest them easily, but i wouldnt try any other kind of meat.
STARVE THEM? isnt that a bit rough.. I mean I would only do that in the most extreme cercumstances: e.g. the male was taking care of fry and that usualy last less than 5 days
acutally if you don't give them any food for a while you'll force them to eat the pellets and give it a try, then they'll eventually get use to the pellets and accept htem.

While live/frozen food is nice to feed the fish, you gotta admit that it can get pretty expesnive. I base my betta's diet on the pellets mainly, and throw in the dired/forzen/live food in as a supplment.
I give my bettas flakes for breakfast and lunch, and for dinner i give them blood worm, frozen food isnt that expensive I get it for $5 Aus for a big block of it and it usualy last a few months
what happens if you leave hte forzen food out of the freezer for a while? :/

my bettas wont' even touch the flakes :X picky eaters.
LoL ive accidently left my betta food out on several occasions. my mum goes mental cause she sees this big pile of blood rapped in newspaper :rofl: o its funny but its a ***** to clean up!
My betta seemed to be really particular and only ate bloodworms at first too, so I just attempted to give him pellets every day until he finally broke down and ate one. Now, he races toward them and eats them just fine. On the first few times he ate the pellets, I rewarded him with a few bloodworms. That's just my experience with my one betta - probably some are way more picky than mine!
what brand of pellet? most gobble up hikari pellets.
or you could "starve" him. give him pelleets and if he doesnt eat any within 5 minutes, tkae them out and repeat this every day until he gets the point.
I've never tried to feed Kobe flakes but he's always eaten pellets. Dorothy will eat flakes or pellets but she seems to prefer pellets. I also agree try not feeding your better for a couple days. It won't kill them. I've gone 2 or 3 days without feeding my fish a couple times (I left for the weekend) and they were fine. Other than that, I don't know.

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