female bettas..


Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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can they only produce eggs when they see a male?

couple of my females are extremely fat like they have eggs...

when i put them beside one of the males they immediately barred up and turned insane... flaring like crazy, and wont leave the side of the tank the male is at..

the problem is..

the female is an all red crowntail..
and the male is an opaque..
heres the thing..

the female is like 1/2 an inch bigger than that male so i dont think they will be able to embrace..

i guess she will flare at any male tho right?

theres only 1 male i have thats big enough probably to embrace her and thats my reject plakat LOL..

hes huge, but has ugly fins according to the breeder... but its ok i still think hes cool...

but yea.. should i jus do the breeding thing?

or should i feed the female some good foods for awhile?.. i wish the digi cam was working.. she is stunning... all 3 of the new females are barred up and going crazy at the sight of my opaque lol...

i also have a male thats mental.. he lies at the bottom and doesnt move unless i come near his tank or the other male flares at him.. but when i put him near the female, he started vertical barring :S.. but i donno whats up with him hes been mental since i got him
if they are barred, i am almost positive they are ready. the only thing now is to take into consideration jars and grow out tanks before you breed.
i will be lucky as heck if i actually get them to breed.. at least i think...

but i can easily free up 2 10 gallon tanks if needed.. and i will jus use like margarine containers if i need space..

but i have a new batch of convict babies, and a new batch of krib babies..

so i guess i will be quite busy if the bettas breed also...

but i can handle it im sure.. even if the bettas breed .. as the babies grow .. some can live in the guppy tank i guess too lol..

ill figure out a way !
i have both..

i dont work or go to school... so i definately have the time..

and for the room...

im gonna breed em in a 10 gallon... so some of the fry can grow up in there.. i can free up another 10 gallon easily, and i can put some of the females into the guppy tank.... and i can easily get more containers...

i alrdy have ppl i can give some of the babies to also..

so the room/time aspect of it doesnt worry me
BC canada here..

so only locals will get some.

i dont do the shipping thing
Locals meaning only people in BC, or do the rest of us Canuks have a chance? I'm in Alberta, only next door.
Could you make an exception for a newly begginner betta lover in Montreal? ;)

Unless someone knows of a reputable betta breeder here in Montreal, then I'd worship the ground you walked on for a day or so :)


i jus set the 10 gallon tank up..

i decided to breed my biggest plakat with my red crowntail..

the plakat is black and green, with some yellow/bluey grey on it..

the yellow/bluey grey is in the same places as the mustard in the mustard gas.. if that makes sense..

his bottom fin is huge compared to normal plakats... but thats why he was $5 and is known as ''the reject plakat''

the female is flaring back at the male crazily... but shes barred up..

its 5:40 pm here my time... i think tonight at about midnight ill let the female go and leave em in there overnight and see what happens..

i have a sponge filter in there, aswell as some moss and a fake plant..

the water is at about 7 inches.... might have to be lowered if there ever are fry..

ive never shipped fish before so i dont really know how to do it, so my luck the bag would break or something on the way over :X

shipping to alberta or montreal..

the boxes are like $5... then i guess i pay for a stamp.. not sure how much that would be..

so it probably wouldnt be that expensive..

b4 i start talking about gettin rid of them..


so ill keep everyone updated
new name :eek:

iloveyou wasnt cool enough for me.. i dont even kno why i made that name in the first place...

the female is flaring back at the male.. and tryin to attack him... eeep..

the male is bigger then her tho so hopefully he wont get too beat up.. same with her..

i jus checked on them.. the female isnt barred when the male isnt near her... the male was on other side of tank and she wasnt barred, but when he came over to see me, she barred right back up.. its 7 pm.. they been lookin at each other for 2 hours.. they both goin crazy so i think soon im gonna release the female.
I can't wait until I can get several tanks and a fish room of my own started.. Right now, I'm limited to what I can put in my ten gallon aquarium. (And here I am thinking "they can survive in 2 gallons, they can survive in 2 gallons, I could maybe fit 4... :rofl: Oh well :)

Once I get access to a camera, I'll take pictures of my little boy (He has cool silver tips on his reddish pectorals. :D And no, it isn't fin rot, he has silver on his belly tool)

I'll be so sad when I lose Mr. Monomezurashii.

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